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Philosophy Notes

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N0TES July 21, 2010 Unit 4:Ethics Ancient Virtue Ethics [Axis Age: C. 500 BCE] Epicureanism Stoicism Platonism Aristotelianism Buddhism Confucianism Taoism The Art of Living Well Elite Status Social Elites Military elite Rulers Landed aristocracy Merchants Priests Intellectuals Artists Lower Castes/Classes Peasants Artisans Workers Slaves Soldier Fundamental Concepts -?Good? Things?: Moral & Non-moral -?Right? Actions Epicurus Mind atoms (Tranquility of the mind) Epicureanism Un-troubledness ?Pleasure is good, Pain is bad.? ?Don?t fear God or Death.? Plato Platonism Pure, Abstract, Non-changing form An ancient Greek View: 1. Plato?s Formal theory of the Good:

Chapter 1 Notes

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NOTES Chapter 1: Introduction 8/18/2010 The living world is a hierarchy of structure: Atoms (smallest matter) ( molecule ( sub cellular organelles ( cells ( tissues ( organs ( organ system ( complex organism ( populations K( communities ( ecosystem ( biomes ( biosphere Life arises from these emergent properties: 1. Order (at least one cell) 2. Reproduction ? Life only comes from life. (except Biogenesis) 3. Growth & development ? directed by info stored in DNA 4. Energy Utilization- organisms take in energy to do work & release byproducts 5. Response ? to the environment, organisms respond to stimuli

Limits to infinity

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If a limit is approaching infinity, the highest exponent on the numerator or denominator determines whether its zero, or infinity

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Intro To Metabolism Questions

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Intro to Metabolism: Chp. 8 What is metabolism? What does metabolism do? What laws is it subject to? Describe the metabolic pathway process in one sentence. What are catabolic pathways? What is a major pathway of catabolism? What are anabolic pathways? What is an example of anabolism? What is fundamental to all metabolic processes? What is bioenergetics? What is energy? Explain the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy? Are heat and thermal energy a type of potential energy or kinetic energy? Why is it that type of energy? What determines a matter?s potential energy? What type of energy is chemical energy? How and where is it stored in? Can kinetic energy be converted into potential energy? Vice Versa? Give an example. What is thermodynamics?

French and Indian War 1754-1763

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French and Indian War 1754-1763 Conflict between Britain and France spills into the colonies Britain emerges victorious Britain runs up a huge debt Stamp Act American colonists benefited from Britain?s victory so Britain expected the colonists to help pay the cost of the war Colonists were expected to pay a tax for a stamp on all official documents Colonists were angered by the tax. They had never been required to pay a direct tax to the British government before ?no taxation without representation? Boston Tea Party Colonists were unhappy about Britain?s import tax on tea Colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor as a protest King George closes Boston Harbor Colonists think this is harsh and unfair treatment (tyranny) First Continental Congress

LOTF Conch Outline

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Lord of the Flies Plan Sheet v2 Thesis Statement: Throughout William Golding?s Lord of the Flies, the boy?s perceptions and descriptions of the conch change to reflect the struggle between Ralph and Jack, or between the traditional values of civilization and savagery. Paragraph #1: Initially the conch is colorful and vibrant. It possesses a commanding aura which not only gets Ralph elected chief, but also holds some sway over the boys. In color the shell was a deep cream, touched here and there with fading pink. P16 Described as a ?glistening thing? P16 Where?s the man with the trumpet? P20 But there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out: there was his size?and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. P22-23

Study Questions

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World Civ I Test 1 Review What is civilization? What is culture? Material Culture? Explain the Stone Age. Describe the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages. What is the Ancient Agricultural Revolution? Who are Foragers? What was woman?s role in the Stone Age? Women?s role in Mesopotamia? What was man?s role in the Stone Age? Why is the development of cooking so important? Why did people migrate? Explain the reasons behind the domestication of animals? How did early people determine which animals to domesticate? Who had a better life: Farmers or Foragers? What are Jericho and Catal Huyuk? What is oral tradition? Why did people settle in the Tigris-Euphrates area? Who were the Sumerians? Why is the age of the Sumerians considered the divide between pre-history and history?


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CHAPTER 4 The Aegean World, 2000?1100 b.c.e. Minoan Crete 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Minoan civilization is known through legendary accounts of King Minos, the labyrinth beneath his palace, and the Minotaur. Archaeological evidence for Minoan civilization includes excavated palace sites at Cnossus, Phaistos, and Mallia, and widely distributed remains of Cretan pottery and other artifacts. The evidence suggests that Minoan civilization was influenced by the civilizations of Egypt, Syria, and Mesopotamia. 2?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Minoan civilization was destroyed, probably by Mycenaean Greeks, about 1450 b.c.e. Mycenaean Greece


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