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APES laws

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Year Name Function of Legislation Unit Triggering Event 1963 Clean Air Act To protect the nation?s air quality and ensures that citizens have clean air to breathe. The Clean Air Act contains a permitting system such that anyone who discharges a pollutant into the air requires an operating permit.? Air Major threats of acid rain, urban air pollution, and toxic emissions, were threatening the health of Americans. 1972 Clean Water Act To regulate the discharge of pollutants into water and the surface quality of water in the USA. Prevents the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters from both point sources and non point sources without the possession of a permit. Water

Point of View Notes

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Tomilya Simmons 10/5/11 Period 1 Point of View Notes p238 Point of view Point of view: who tells the story Determines how the story is told ?Who tells the story?? ?How much is this person allowed to know?? and ?To what extent does the narrator look inside the characters and report their thoughts and feelings?? 4 basic points of view: Omniscient, 3rd person limited (major or minor character), 1st person (major or minor character), and objective Omniscient point of view In third person by a narrator whose knowledge and prerogatives are unlimited Free to peer inside the minds and hearts of characters Can interpret behavior and comment on the significance of their stories They know all (can tell us as much or as little as they please) Most flexible p.o.v. and permits the widest scope

Thermal Physics

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THERMODYNAMICS/ THERMAL PHYSICS Sections 19.1, 19.3, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 20.1, 20.4, 20.7 Chapter 19: Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. Section 19.1 Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium Thermal contact: energy between the two objects can be exchanged. Thermal Equilibrium: a situation in which two objects would not exchange energy by heat or electromagnetic radiation if placed in thermal contact. Zeroth Law: (law of equilibrium) if objects A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third object C, then A and B are in thermal equilibrium with eachother. Temperature: a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules Two objects in thermal equilibrium are at the same temperature

Magnestism and Electricity

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Electricity and Magnetism Electrostatics: LAWS: Like charges repel Unlike charges attract Neutral objects attract charged objects (temporary induced dipoles (London dispersion forces) that cause separation of charge. Fattraction > Frepulsion Electric charge is always conserved Charging by induction: Charging: neutral to start By Grounding: a neutral object that can receive or supply large numbers of electron without significantly altering its own charge (earth and people) Come away with opposite charge Charging by Conduction: through contact and electrons are equally transferred and equally shared, kiss up and repel, and both have the same charge (electroscopes) same charge

AP Biology_Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw Study Guide_Chapter Two

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AP Biology_Fred and Theresa Holtzclaw Study Guide_Chapter One

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