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era of good feelings

Judging James Monroe

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Judging James Monroe National Security-9 I give James Monroe an eight because he did have a peaceful time after the War of 1812 and the nation did prosper and grow to be very healthy. This was called the ?Era of Good Feelings?. Economy-8 Although the ?Era of Good Feelings? did boost the nation?s condition, James Monroe did spend a lot of money. He spent five million dollars to buy Florida from Spain and he let speculators borrow huge sums of money to settlers and banks. This used up a lot of the nation?s money. Relationship with foreign countries-8

chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism War of 1812?On to Canada over Land and Lakes, Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended One of America?s worst-fought wars Widespread disunity Many people apathetic Regular army ill-trained, ill-disciplined, and widely scattered Poor military leadership Military strategists hoped to attain victory through Napoleon?s success in Europe and US land campaign against Canada Poor offensive strategy against Canada Americans may have won by taking Montreal, but? Sent a 3-pronged invasion?1812 All 3 forces were quickly defeated Several invasions turned back in 1813 British and Canadians had more energy to defend than the Americans had to attack and

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 12 notes

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X. - I. On to Canada over Land and Lakes Regular Army was weak- supplemented with ill-trained militias British forces were weakest in Canada- Americans focused on attacking Canada but not with full strength- they should?ve focused on Montreal British captured Fort Michilimackinac- British general was Isaac Brock American navy did better than army- blacks were on ships Oliver Hazard Perry built a fleet of ships on Lake Erie and captured a British fleet

Chapter 8 Focus Questions

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1. How did Jefferson's philosophy shape policy toward public expenditures, the judiciary, and Louisiana? Jefferson served for more than twenty years as the president of the American Philosophical Society. Jefferson brought with set of ideas about the need and importance for tightly controlled central government, payment of the national debt, and downsizing the American military. When offered the chance to buy Louisiana, an action not specified in the Constitution, Jefferson eagerly jumped at the chance to rid the New World of France. He justified the purchase by stating the new land doubled the land available for the union. His sponsorship of the Lewis and Clark expedition exemplified his interest in science and his hope for practical results from science.

American Pageant APUSH chapter 12 notes

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Strongest political support for declaring war against Britain came from the West and South. A crucial foreign policy goal for many ?war hawks? in the War of 1812 was the capture and annexation of Canada. A primary domestic goal of the War of 1812 for many of the ?war hawks? was eliminating the Indian resistance to further westward settlement. Besides creating a pan-Indian military alliance against white expansion, Tecumseh and the Prophet urged Native Americans to resist white ways and revive their own traditional culture. Native American resistance east of the Mississippi River was effectively crushed in the two battles of Tippecanoe and Horseshoe Bend. The War of 1812 was bitterly opposed by New England Federalists.


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AP Ch. 7 & 8 Study Guide ?Jeffersonian Era? & ?Era of Good Feelings? What was Jefferson?s and the Republicans vision of America and what influence did it have on education? What were examples of American nationalism and the emerging National culture? What were the causes, the message, and the impact of the Second Great Awakening?? What were some of the significant technological developments of the era? How was transportation changing? What were the characteristics of American population growth and expansion in the years between 1790 and 1800? What were the fundamental principles of Jeffersonian democracy? How did Jefferson's presidency represent a change in the direction of the federal government?
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