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Contemporary history

French Revolution Notes

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French Revolution: important because France is most populated, influential country 3 estates: 1. Clergy owns 10% of land, don?t pay taxes, gap between upper clergy and parish priests 2.Nobility owns 30% of land, don?t pay taxes, have political power & privileges * both 1 & 2 estates: tithes & dues from home, have privilege, resist change, 2% of society 3.Commoners 90% of population Peasants= 80% world view local, catholic, seek protection, hate local land owner Sans-culottes/city workers- in the city. Issues: wages stay same, prices go up Bourgeoisie=middle class: relatively wealthy, educated, pay taxes, no pol infl Economic issues: harvest of 1788 sucked peasants still pay taxes, price of bread goes up

Enlightenment Study Guide

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Study Guide Enlightenment ? using scientific laws to explain society, government and human behavior Progress could be achieved by applying Natural Science methods to all aspects of life and using the scientific method to discover the laws of human society. The goal was to create a better society. How did ideas spread? Journals, magazine, newspapers, pamphlet (Mass Media) Intellectuals would share ideas and theories at salons and coffeehouses. The purpose of a salon is to bring a mix of ideas into the community. Voltaire Deist; wanted freedom of religion and freedom of the press/speech; believed government should fight sloth and stupidity, keep clergy under government, allow freedom of thought and promote technical progress; encouraged enlightened despotism Jean Jacques Rousseau

math is fun!

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Reema Patel December 03, 2010 Period: 6 Why a Molecule?s Shape Matters 3 things I found interesting The average person can discriminate between 4,000 to 10,000 different odor molecules They can fit properly into these receptor sites, which transmit impulses to the brain. The brain then identifies these impulses as a particular aroma. About 75% of what we taste is actually coming from out nose! That?s why when you are sick sometimes the food doesn?t taste as good. Caffeine can affect your perception of pain by binding to endorphin receptors. 2 things I would like to know more about: I would like to know more on how the nose and mouth work together and how they affect our taste buds More on how caffeine and other drugs affecting our body and brain would be interesting.

Glass-Steagall Act

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An act passed by Congress in 1933 that prohibited commercial banks from collaborating with full service brokerage firms or participating in investment banking activities. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0073385492/information_center_view0/

history essay

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much of the jews antiquity is found in the bible. the bible even express the change between egyption control over the jews to the babylonian rule over the jews. the bible, specifically the hebrew bible or old testiment,is a compilation of several colections of materials that originated with different groups, gave religiouse terminology, and told of past events which were left for different groups to interpret on their own.the bible talks about Abraham ,a large figure in many religious communities . it also talks about Moses, who lead the isrealites from captivity.In theory we would not know as much about the history of jews if the bible had not been written.


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