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How to write a thesis

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Generic Core-Scoring Guide for AP World History Compare & Contrast Essays BASIC CORE Historical skills and knowledge required to show competence PointsADVANCE \r1 EXPANDED CORE Historical skills and knowledge required to show excellence PointsADVANCE \r1 1. Has acceptable thesis (Addresses comparison of the issues ??or themes specified) 2. Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. (Addresses most parts of the question: for example, deals with differences but not similarities.) 3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence. (Partially substantiates these with appropriate historical evidence.) 4. Makes at least 4 relevant, direct comparisons between or among societies.

Women in the Industrialized World CCOT

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In the past, women were often given secondary roles to men. Confucianism, for example, made women almost completely reliable on men. Women’s feet were bound, so they needed men to move them around. They couldn’t own property or run any businesses. Later on, women still had the gender-based discrimination. However, between 1750 and 1914, during the industrial revolution, women’s social, economic, and political roles changed significantly, although many things stayed the same, in the Industrialized World.

important words for industrialization and urbanization

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Industrial Revolution Maquiladora Doi Moi Site and situation location factors Textiles Minimills Capital Flight Just in time delivery Perishable products Break of bulk point Bulk reducing/gaining Single market manufacturers Outsourcing Amenities New International Division of Labor SEZ or EPZ 4 Asian Tigers Metropolitan Area Agglomeration/deglomeration/conglomeration Conurbation Primate city Urban sprawl Green space Functional specialization Economic base Tax abatement Edge cities Urban hierarchy Zoning laws Economics of agglomeration Fordist/post-fordist Homogenization Ecotourism/medical tourism Footloose industry Telecommuting Back offices

Government in America Ch 8 notes

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---Extracted text from past/ch_8_political_party.doc---


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Deqa Mahamoud English 4th Hour April 1st 2011 Forbidden Love In the play Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare explores the imagery of light and dark to show Romeo?s love for Juliet and to show how light and dark changes everything and makes a big difference. Romeo is always talking about how beautiful she is and he is always comparing her to something else like the star in the sky. He even compares her to the sun and he also says how her beauty out shines the sun and its light.

Pros and Cons of the Internet

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Pros and Cons Paper We all know the importance of the Internet and the media in our daily lives. Most of us are constantly tuned into the news via our computers, Blackberries, and iPhones. Facebook updates us on our friends, and various online news sources update us on the world. This seems, to us, to be a completely normal, if not vital, part of our daily lives.


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