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Marbury v. Madison

Thomas Jefferson

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Key Terms , People & Events: Marbury v. Madison Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark Expedition 12th Amendment Embargo Act, 1807 Non-Intercourse Act Agrarian Republic Pan Indian military resistance movement Macon?s Bill Number 2 Vice President (s): Aaron Burr, George Clinton # 3 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Republican Events Leading Up to Presidency: Secretary of State under George Washington, part of the first and second Continental Congress, leader of the Anti-Federalists, ambassador to France, Other Foreign Affairs Politics Expansionism ?Neutral Rights? Jefferson had promised in his inaugural address that there would be ?entangling alliances with none? An ?agrarian republic?: Jefferson longed for a nation of roughly equal yeoman farmers who were independent

Marbury VS. Madison (1803)

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Marbury VS. Madison (1803) The role of the United States Supreme Court, as designed by the U.S. Constitution, is to interpret and further define the laws of our country. In cases where disputes remain unresolved, the U.S. Supreme Court can choose to hear a case, and decide its outcome based on applicable law. This however, can be more difficult than it seems. Judicial review is the power of a court to review a statute, or an official action or inaction, for constitutionality. (1) The case of Marbury v. Madison, (1803) was the landmark Supreme Court decision, which ultimately gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review. The Marbury v. Madison case began with the changing of Presidential

Judicial Review

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As we know, judicial review is grounded in the court case of Marbury v. Madison. To see if your knowledge is solid at this point, look over the current case of Schwarzenegger v. Plata at the site http://topics.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/09-1233. After viewing all of the case briefs, act as if you were a Justice in the Supreme Court and decide if the case is constitutional or not.
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