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Politics of the United States

american pagent ch 11&12 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 10-27-13 APUSH Ch. 11&12 Chapter 11 ?new navy?- The navy founded by Adams and seemed unnecessary and extravagant. Also known as ?John Adam?s Jackasses? Jefferson- The third president of the US. He won by a majority of 73 electoral votes to 65. He was inaugurated on March 4th, 1801 and reelected in 1804. Aaron Burr- Turned New York to Jefferson, helping him win the election. In 1804 challenged Hamilton to a duel, killing him and fled. In 1806 he was arrested and tried for treason. Was freed the next year. Lame-duck - A term used to humorously defined as a politician whose political goose has been cooked at the recent elections. John Adams- Second President of the US. Last federalist president.

american pagent ch 29&30 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 1-3-14 CH 29&30 vocab PERIOD 7 Chapter 29 ?Yellow Press?- (?yellow journalism?) Established by Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. It influenced overseas expansion. Our Country: It?s Possible Future and Its Present Crisis- Reverend Josiah Strong influenced missionaries to expand overseas by speaking about civilizing and Christianizing savages in this novel. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783- Book by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan in 1890 that argued that every successful nation had a great navy, and started a naval race among the great powers and moving the U.S. to naval supremacy. ?Big Sister? policy- Sought for better relations with Latin America and was established by James G. Blaine.

american pagent ch 19&20 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 12-3-13 Vocab Ch. 19&20 APUSH Chapter 19 Wilmot Proviso- Prohibited slavery in the territories acquired in the Mexican War. Ominously- Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen Popular sovereignty- The doctrine that stated that the people of the territory should themselves determine the status of slavery. General Lewis Cass- ?father of popular sovereignty? A veteran of 1812, senator and diplomat. Was chosen to be the Democratic candidate. Democratic National Convention- took place in Baltimore and was when Cass was chosen to represent the Democrats Zachary Taylor- Nominated by the Whigs to be their candidate in the election. Won the Election of 1848. Died suddenly in 1850.

Civil Rights

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CHAPTER 19 Civil Rights Chapter Outline with Keyed-in Resources SEQ NLI \r 0 \h I?? seq NLA \r 0 \h . Introduction: civil rights issue SEQ NLA \r 0 \h A?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Group is denied access to facilities, opportunities, or services available to other groups. B?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Issue is whether differences in treatment are reasonable. SEQ NL1 \r 0 \h 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Some differences are, for example, progressive taxes 2?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Some are not, for example, classifications by race or ethnicity are subject to especially strict scrutiny II?? seq NLA \r 0 \h . The African American predicament SEQ NLA \r 0 \h A?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Perceived costs of granting African American rights were not widely shared. SEQ NL1 \r 0 \h

Apush ch 10 vocab

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Arden Barnes Mr. Batson APUSH 21 October 2013 Chapter 10 Vocabulary John Adams- A Federalist who was Vice President under Washington in 1789, and later became President by three votes in 1796. Known for his quarrel with France, and was involved in the XYZ Affair, Quasi War, and the Convention of 1800. Later though he was also known for his belated push for peace with France in 1800. Regarding his personality he was a "respectful irritation".

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 7

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Tindall Ch7 Outline Shaping a Federal Union The Confederation Congress within the confederation had very little power to do anything. Was still able to negotiate the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and created three departments, Foreign Affairs, Finance, and War. Robert Morris, superintendent of Finance created the Bank of North America (1781). Did not really work because of fear of central authority, and Congress was always lacking money. Land in the west all went under the ownership of Congress, and they set rules for how each territory could become a state. The Land ordinance of 1785 planned how land would be distributed and sold. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 put new requirements on achieving statehood.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 8

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Tindall Ch 8 Outline The Federalist Era A New Nation Population in 1790 was around 4 million. South was agricultural, still had slaves and exported tobacco and cotton. First National census in 1790 showed 750,000 African Americans, with over 90 percent in the South. Indians continued to provide trouble and refuse to acknowledge American authority. Many people would start migrating west because of population growth, cheap land, and new opportunities. White population doubled every 22 years. George Washington was elected president 69-34 in 1789. Created the cabinet, the president?s advisors. John Jay was the first Supreme Court justice, who stayed there until 1795. Created a Bill of Rights to go along with the Constitution in 1789.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 9

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Tindall Ch 9 Outline The Early Republic Jeffersonian Simplicity 3/4/1801, Thomas Jefferson was the first president inaugurated at Washington D.C. In his inaugural address, he asked for unity between Republicans and Federalists. Jefferson in Office Jefferson did what he could to appease the Federalists, but sometimes he gave in to pressure from Republicans to remove Federalists in lesser offices. William Marbury was appointed Supreme Court judge by Adams just before Adams left the presidency. Madison and Jefferson could do nothing to stop him but did manage to impeach John Pickering from Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Marshall displayed the power of the Supreme Court and the power of the constitution over the states.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 10

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Tindall Ch 10 outline Nationalism and Sectionalism Economic Nationalism After the War of 1812 Madison strengthens government and national power. In 1816, created a new National Bank chartered fro twenty years. Started creating a National Road from the Atlantic Coast to Ohio in 1815. Henry Clay promoted economic nationalism, wanted higher tariffs, higher prices for federal lands, and a strong national bank to ensure economic growth. Lots of support and opposition towards this plan. Good Feelings James Monroe was elected president in 1816. Very traditional Republican, did not really promote economic nationalism, but his administration did, making him very popular, dominating the 1820 election also.

APGov - Chart on types of federalism (eras)

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Federalism Chart Directions: Provide at least two bullet points for each box. Be specific in each example. Era of Federalism Basic features Constitutional Features (specific provisions) Court cases- importance Executive or legislative actions Impact Marshall Years: 1801-1835 Growth of national power- especially in economic affairs N/P Clause General Welfare Commerce Clause Judicial Review McCullough vs. Maryland Gibbons vs. Ogden XXXXX Broadened the N/P Clause and Supremacy Clause- resulting in more federal power in such a young country Dual Years: 1850-1932 Limited and separate roles for both national and state governments 10th amendment Reserved Powers Dred Scott vs. Sanford Plessy vs. Ferguson XXXXX


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