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Politics of the United States

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 9 notes

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American Revolution wasn?t really a revolution, more like an evolution Loyalist Exodus destroyed most of the Upper Crust and elites which allowed Patriots to become elites I. The Pursuit of Equality Society of Cincinnati- Continental Army officers who formed an exclusive hereditary order Fight for separation between Church and State The Congregational Church was still legally established in New England still but the Anglican Church, with association to the crown, was disestablished and formed the Episcopal Church

New Deal Era

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rising discontentment resulted as U.S. citizens came to detest Hoover, naming shantytowns ?Hoovervilles? and naming newspapers ?Hoover blankets? farmers began to rise up & protest in the election of 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) was elected the New Deal programs were to serve the three R?s: relief for the people, recovery for business & economy, & reform of U.S. economic institutions The bread line ?Migrant Mother? The New Deal 1933-1939 The New Deal represented a new form of liberalism, the ideology of individual rights that had long shaped the character of US. society & politics. Now, ?social welfare? liberalism expanded individual rights by protecting citizens w/various social welfare programs. FDR takes office in March of 1933 20th Amendment was ratified in 1933

Politics in the Age of Enterprise

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Politics in the Age of Enterprise Chapter 19 The Politics of the Status Quo, 1877-1893 5 presidents from 1877-1893 (admirable men although none were very charismatic & didn?t leave a larger mark on history) Rutherford B. Hayes (R, 1877-1881) ? presidency decided by one vote; troops were withdrawn from the South?end of Reconstruction ? era of immigration, industrialization & rise of labor unions ? he tried to run an honest administration but not very successful in terms of getting Congressional support for legislation James Garfield (R, 1881) assassinated ? patronage was still a part of how he appointed gov. employees despite Congressional demands for good civil service laws

Reconstruction notes

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Reconstruction Chapter 15 Reconstruction both a time period & a process between 1865 and 1877 (from the end of the Civil War until the end of military reconstruction when the Union army withdrew from the South) the process was more complicated & complex: readmitting the Southern states, physically reconstructing & rebuilding Southern towns, cities, & property that had been destroyed during the war, and integrating newly freed blacks into U.S. society the goals & the questions: Lincoln spoke of the need to ?bind up the nation?s wounds? Slavery was finished but what system of labor should replace plantation slavery? What rights should the freedmen be accorded beyond emancipation? On what terms should rebellious states be restored to the Union?

FDR's First New Deal

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First New Deal Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) ? 1933 ? Provided employment for unmarried men between the ages 17 ? 25 to work in the national parks installing electric lines, building fire towers, and planting new trees in deforested areas Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) ? 1933 ? Approved govt. loans to farmers and paid farmers not to grow certain crops in order to increase the prices of agricultural products Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) ? 1933 ? Under Federal Reserve Act to insure bank deposits of up to $100,000 in case of bank failure. This insurance was intended to prevent people from withdrawing their money out of panic

Chapter 33: The Great Depression and the New Deal

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Chapter 33: The Great Depression and the New Deal (1933-1939) FDR: Politician in a Wheelchair FDR had infantile paralysis which taught him patience, tolerance, compassion, and strength of will. Eleanor, FDR?s wife, was his distant cousin. She overcame the misery of an unhappy childhood and emerged as a champion of the dispossessed, and the ?conscience of the New Deal? Part of Women?s Trade Union League and League of Women Voters; Brought an unprecedented number of women activists to DC ?most active First Lady in history Loved by liberals, she was one of the most controversial public figures of 20th century. Though favoring frugality, FDR believed that money, rather than humanity, was expendable.

Chapter 33: The Great Depression and the New Deal

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Chapter 33: The Great Depression and the New Deal (1933-1939) FDR: Politician in a Wheelchair FDR had infantile paralysis which taught him patience, tolerance, compassion, and strength of will. Eleanor, FDR?s wife, was his distant cousin. She overcame the misery of an unhappy childhood and emerged as a champion of the dispossessed, and the ?conscience of the New Deal? Part of Women?s Trade Union League and League of Women Voters; Brought an unprecedented number of women activists to DC ?most active First Lady in history Loved by liberals, she was one of the most controversial public figures of 20th century. Though favoring frugality, FDR believed that money, rather than humanity, was expendable.

Human Geo Chp. 13

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Isaiah Bennett p.1 5/6/13 CH.13 K.I 3 I Inner-City Physical Issue The major physical problem faced by inner-city neighborhoods is the poor condition Deteriorated housing can either be demolished and replaced with new housing or it can be Process of Deterioration As the number of low-income resident increase in the city the territory they occupy expand Middle-class families move out of a neighborhood to never housing farther from the center and sell or rent their houses to lower-income families Filtering Filtering Process of subdivision of houses and occupancy by successive waves of lower-income people Redlining Redlining Drawing lines a map to identify areas in which they will refuse to lean money Although redlining is illegal enforcement of law against it is frequently difficult

The Progressive Era

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Idalmis Betsabe February 28, 2013 U.S History Mr.Bolt The Progressive Era During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Progressive Era was taking place. The Progressive Era was a reform movement focused on solving the problem that developed during the industrial period in America. The goals of the Progressive Era were: changing the conditions of the working place, protecting consumers and improving urban living, expanding democracy to people and limiting the role of big business.


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Federal Funding to WIC program (Aff.) When homeless mothers in Sacramento, California, need food, counseling or support, they can come to a rectangle-shaped cinderblock building just a few blocks from the American River. It is an essential program that needs to be funded The building is home to Maryhouse, a daytime homeless shelter. Connie Frank is the executive director and it's her job is to connect the women with social services. Many of them need help finding nighttime shelter, counseling and food. For Frank, the Women Infants and Children program is a key service. "It's a wonderful program, an essential program, to feed these families," she said. "Baby formula, for example, is very expensive?


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