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Politics of the United States

souths reaction to reconstruction

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How did the South react to Reconstruction (1865 ? 1877) and what was the plan to reconstruct the South (political, economic, and social)?

Lincolns second Inaugural

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The Second Inaugural Address of Lincoln Saturday, March 4, 1865 President Lincoln?s purpose for delivering the Second Inaugural address ? this formal ceremony marks the beginning of his second term presidency. President Lincoln had two major items in his agenda. One, the slavery (Emancipation Proclamation - Thirteenth Amendment) as a central issue of the Civil War (He viewed the Civil War as a punishment from God for the national exploitation of colored slaves); and he also kept in mind the Nation and possible reunification and reconciliation between the North and the South (Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction).

Reason for Lincolns Inaugural

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The Second Inaugural Address of Lincoln Saturday, March 4, 1865 President Lincoln?s purpose for delivering the Second Inaugural address ? this formal ceremony marks the beginning of his second term presidency. President Lincoln had two major items in his agenda. One, the slavery (Emancipation Proclamation - Thirteenth Amendment) as a central issue of the Civil War (He viewed the Civil War as a punishment from God for the national exploitation of colored slaves); and he also kept in mind the Nation and possible reunification and reconciliation between the North and the South (Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction).

Founding Brothers AP US questions

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Founding Brothers Talking Points Ch. 2 The Dinner- As you take notes or outline chapter 2 you should focus your attention so as to be able to discuss the significance of the following terms and/or answer the following questions: How the various stakeholders (Hamilton , Madison , Jefferson) would respond to the question of why the passage of debt assumption was so threatening to the republic? Discuss stakeholder?s positions on Federalist Papers, Ham?s debt funding plan, residency question Discuss Virginia?s, Patrick Henry?s position on debt assumption , residency and debt settlement

Chapter 13 Focus Questions

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Chap. 13 Focus Questions Faulis ? PAGE ?1? Chap. 13 Focus Questions Faulis ? PAGE ?1? Maddie Faulis Mr. Nelson AP US History Many events related to the election of 1824?influenced the election of 1828. Andrew Jackson argued that Adams was part of a ?Corrupt Bargain? with Henry Clay due to the fact that Adams agreed to make Clay Secretary of State if Clay voted him as president. As a result, the next president would not be chosen in secret and nasty, mud-slinging politics would begin.

Chapter 10 Focus Questions

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Chap. 10 Focus Questions Faulis ? PAGE ?1? Chap. 10 Focus Questions Faulis ? PAGE ?1? Maddie Faulis Mr. Nelson AP US History October 7, 2013 The important provisions that were added to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights were numerous. These provisions included freedom of religion, speech, and press. It also included rights granting trial by jury and the right to bear arms. The provisions also prohibited the government from taking land from the people, as well as sentencing cruel and unusual punishments. The ninth, or silent, amendment says that the naming of a right does not take away the rights of others. Lastly, the tenth amendment stated that people had control over all the things that were not given to the federal government.

Presidents of the 20th Century

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APUSH 20th Century Exam Review: Presidents Presidents of the 20th Century William McKinley (1897-1900) ? R Assassinated b/c govt was corrupt (T. Roosevelt VP to succeed) Teddy Roosevelt (1901-1908) ? R Big Stick Diplomacy Roosevelt Corollary Great White Fleet ? build up navy to enforce imperialism Progressive Ideals Square-Deal (?3 c?s?) ? control corporations (Hepburn Act, etc.), consumer protection (Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act, etc.), conservationism (National Reclamation Act, Newlands Act, etc.) Hay-Pauncefote Treaty ? ability to construct the Panama Canal Open Door policy in China Hepburn Act ? regulates ICC Meat Inspection Act

20th Century Foreign Policy

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APUSH 20th Century Exam Review: Foreign Policy Foreign Policy of the 20th Century Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1902) ? ?Big Stick Policy? ? Gave Us the power to interfere in W-Hemisphere where needed (for econ reasons/promote democracy) Dollar Diplomacy ? Taft vis-?-vis Latin America ? extended US power into Latin America and E Asia; providing loans and using economic means to influence countries and exhort loyalty Lodge Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1912) -- Monroe Doctrine applies to colonial powers from Eur too Kept any foreign power/nation from acquiring significant land in W-H Moral or Missionary Diplomacy ? Wilson ? US?s moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin America govt that was viewed as hostile to American interests.


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