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Political parties in the United States

Chapter 23 Test

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Chapter 23 Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions. 60. At the conclusion of the Civil War, General Ulysses S. Grant a. refused gifts offered him by the American public. b. proved that he was a sound judge of human character. c. rejoined the Democratic party. d. accepted gifts of houses and money from citizens. e. ruled out running for office. 61. In the presidential election of 1868, Ulysses S. Grant a. transformed his personal popularity into a large majority in the popular vote. b. owed his victory to the votes of former slaves. c. gained his victory by winning the votes of the majority of whites. d. demonstrated his political skill. e. all of the above. 62. As a result of the Civil War,

Political Parties to remember for Apush exam

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First Two-Party System?Federalists v. Republicans, 1780s - 1801 Federalists Republicans Favored strong central government. "Loose" interpretation of the Constitution. Encouragement of commerce and manufacturing. Strongest in Northeast. Favored close ties with Britain. Emphasized order and stability. Emphasized states' rights. "Strict" interpretation of the Constitution. Preference for agriculture and rural life. Strength in South and West. Foreign policy sympathized with France. Stressed civil liberties and trust in the people [In practice, these generalizations were often blurred and sometimes contradicted.] Second Two-Party System?Democrats v. Whigs, 1836 - 1850 Democrats Whigs The party of tradition. Looked backward to the past.

Jacksonian Democracy

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JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY Missouri Compromise 1820 Sectionalism reflected in the power in the national government 3 Sections/spokesperson Northeast- D. Webster - Mass. West - Henry Clay - Kentucky South - John C. Calhoun - South Carolina Sectionalism v Nationalism or States? Rights v National Government Election of 1824 ?Corrupt Bargain? Art of political campaigning Election of 1828 Only 2 candidates - New nominating conventions Creation of two Factions: Jackson-Calhoun Adams-Clays Nuclei for democrats Nuclei for whigs - Arose in opposition to Jackson Republicans during the ?era of good feelings? breaking up into conservatives and Democratic factions within each state Democratic faction wished to level down political inequalities - results:


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??? Which of the following did the Bill of Rights NOT do? It specified explicit limits on federal power. ??? When Alexander Hamilton argued that Congress had the constitutional authority to establish a national bank, what was the basis of his assertion? The Constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties. ??? Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts? Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia. ??? What was the strongest argument against Hamiltons' Bank of the United States? The Constitution had given Congress no specific authorization to issue charters of incorporation. ???

chap 10

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Chapter 10 Democratic Politics, Religious Revival, and Reform 1824-1840 Introduction 1.) How was American politics democratized between 1800 and 1840? 2.) Why was Andrew Jackson so popular with voters? 3.) How and why did the Democratic and Whig parties emerge? 4.) What new assumptions about human nature did religious reform leaders of the 1830?s make? The Rise of Democratic Politics, 1824-1832 Introduction In 1824, only one political party existed Republican It was fragmenting Pressures produced by the industrialization of the Northeast The spread of cotton growing in the South Westward expansion 2 new political parties developed Democrats Whigs Introduction (cont.) Democrats Retained Jefferson?s distrust of strong federal government Preferred states? rights Whigs

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism, 1812-1824 Oliver Hazard Perry An American naval officer whose capture of British ships boosted morale Battle of the Thames An American victory by General Harrison?s army Thomas MacDonough An American who won a close battle by turning his ship about with cables Francis Scott Key An American who wrote ?Star Spangled Banner? after the defense of Baltimore Battle of New Orleans An American victory caused by British blundering against entrenched Americans Treaty of Ghent The peace treaty for the War of 1812, signed before the Battle of New Orleans. Hartford Convention A Federalist conference demanding certain concessions before fleeing after Ghent Rush-Bagot Agreement

chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The Rise of Mass Democracy ?Corrupt Bargain? of 1824 Four Candidates for President John Q. Adams Henry Clay William H. Crawford Andrew Jackson John C. Calhoun is vice-pres candidate for Adams and Jackson Jackson is the strongest in the West Gets the most popular votes by a large margin Fails to get a majority of electoral votes Twelfth Amendment House decides among the top 3 candidates Clay is eliminated Crawford had a stroke Clay is the Speaker of the House Has the power to influence who gets elected Jackson and Clay don?t like each other Clay and Adams agree politically Nationalists Advocates of ?American System? Clay supports Adams and meets with him before the final vote to let him know Adams wins and makes Clay his Secretary of State

chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism War of 1812?On to Canada over Land and Lakes, Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended One of America?s worst-fought wars Widespread disunity Many people apathetic Regular army ill-trained, ill-disciplined, and widely scattered Poor military leadership Military strategists hoped to attain victory through Napoleon?s success in Europe and US land campaign against Canada Poor offensive strategy against Canada Americans may have won by taking Montreal, but? Sent a 3-pronged invasion?1812 All 3 forces were quickly defeated Several invasions turned back in 1813 British and Canadians had more energy to defend than the Americans had to attack and

Chapter 13 Focus Questions

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Chap. 13 Focus Questions Faulis ? PAGE ?1? Chap. 13 Focus Questions Faulis ? PAGE ?1? Maddie Faulis Mr. Nelson AP US History Many events related to the election of 1824?influenced the election of 1828. Andrew Jackson argued that Adams was part of a ?Corrupt Bargain? with Henry Clay due to the fact that Adams agreed to make Clay Secretary of State if Clay voted him as president. As a result, the next president would not be chosen in secret and nasty, mud-slinging politics would begin.

Chap 11 AP US History notes

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Ch. 12? OPPOSITION TO THE WAR 1. Conservative, seaboard Republicans in Congress and New England Federalists New Englanders: refused to buy war bonds to help pay for the war opposed recruiting campaigns traded with England when possible Daniel Webster gave his first important speech on the unconstitutional and objectionable character of an 1813 draft law which allowed for drafting men in state militias into the national army 2. HARTFORD CONVENTION ? met in Dec. 1814 ? met because they thought New Orleans was lost ? thus the war too Extremists in New England became more vocal as war dragged on ? some called for secession MASS, CON, and RI sent full delegations NH and VT sent partial delegations


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