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Byzantine Empire

Chapter 9 Voc.

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Chapter 9 Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantium and Orthodox Europe I. Introduction A. Two major civilizations 1. Byzantine ? Orthodox Christianity a. Maintained high level of political, economic, cultural life b. Leaders saw selves as Roman Emperors c. Empire lasted for 1000 years until Turkish invaders d. Constantinople ? most opulent, important city in Europe e. Spread civilization to previously uncivilized areas i. Russia, Balkans ii. Russia inherits empire from Byzantine 2. West ? Catholicism B. Similarities 1. Both influenced by Islam 2. Both civilizations spread northward 3. Polytheism gave way to monotheism a. Some syncretism ? old religious beliefs maintained 4. Northern areas struggled for political definition

Rome Supplemental Notes

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ROME NOTES The Founding of the Roman Republic & the Conquest of Italy, Carthage, and the Western Mediterranean The legendary date for the founding of the city of Rome is 753 BCE, and although this date is probably not exact, it is probably approximately correct. Legend of Romulus and Remus


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CHAPTER9: CIVILIZATION IN EASTERN EUROPE: BYZANTIUM AND ORTHODOX EUROPE Pp. 192-211 I. OVERVIEW A. Political 1. Divine Kingship Under Emperors a. Constantine i. Moved capitol of eastern part of Rome to area called Byzantium and named it after himself b. Justinian (Byzantine) i. Responsible for advances in architecture, rebuilding of Constantinople, and legal code of law c. Empress Theodora and Zo? i. Co-empresses placed on throne by rebels, estranged sisters d. Rurik (Kiev Rus?) i. Native of Denmark as first prince of Kiev Rus? e. Vladimir (Kiev Rus?) i. Converted all his people to Eastern Orthodox Christianity by force 2. Bureaucracy

Ap WH Ch1-6

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The term prehistory refers to the period before (p. 6) writing Which of the following was not a hominid? (p. 7) A hominid is a human and humanlike species. (includes the genus Homo) The most important development of Homo erectus was (p. 10) Had effective tools, fire, intelligence, and language. Hunters worked in groups and brought their prey back to camps. Which of the following choices is in correct chronological order? (p. 29) Era of Australopithecus Era of Lucy Era of Homo Erectus Early evolution of Homo sapiens Era of Neanderthal peoples First appearance of rCo-Magnon peoples (Homo sapiens sapiens) Natufian society Early experimentation with agriculture Jomon society Appearance of agricultural villages Appearances of cities Chinook

Developments in Europe from 600 BCE to 600 CE

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Developments in Europe from 600 BCE to 600CE A. Restructuring of European economic, social, and political institutions 1. Economic a. West 1. Before fall of Roman Empire, small landowners already selling off land holdings to larger estates i. Many people left urban for rural protection ii. Trade continued to decline ? political order disintegrated 2. Early part ? towns shrink in size 3. 500-1500 Middle Ages ? Medieval 4. 500-1000 Dark Ages ? judgmental, inaccurate 5. Manorialism/Feudalism ? European social, economic, political system i. Estates ? fiefs/manors ii. Form of unfree agricultural labor iii. Method of harnessing peasant labor 1. Ensure steady food supply 2. Different than slavery a. Can not be bought or sold b. Could pass on property to heirs


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AP* EDITION|THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE: A GLOBAL HISTORY CHAPTER 9 Larger Concept Section Review Vocabulary Terms Details THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE, 600-1200 An Empire Beleaguered -Unlike the Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire retained its unity and became the Byzantine Empire, headed by an emperor who held both political and religious power -A schism split the Orthodox Church from the Catholic Church in the west Charlemagne-King of the Franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814) Medieval-literally ?middle age,? a term that historians of Europe use for the period ca. 500 to ca. 1500 Byzantine Empire-historians? name for the eastern portion of the Roman Empire from the fourth century onward


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