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Traditions and Encounters Chapter 24 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 24 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Luther?s initial stimulus for formulating the Ninety-Five Theses was a. his excommunication from the Roman Catholic church. b. the sale of indulgences. * c. his time spent in England during the English Reformation. d. the turmoil caused by having two popes during the Great Schism. e. the influence of John Calvin. (p. 631) 2. The author of the Ninety-Five Theses was a. John Calvin. b. Erasmus. c. Voltaire. d. Martin Luther. * e. Henry VIII. (p. 631) 3. The Catholic church dramatically pushed the sale of indulgences in the sixteenth century because of the a. need to match the resurgence of the Byzantine empire. b. threat posed by Islam. c. need for Henry VIII to pay off the national debt.


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Science Notes Ancient Models of the World Egypt Thought world was flat Thought sky was a flat plate supported by mountains Thought the sun traveled along the Nile India Thought world was circular disk surrounded by and ocean Thought the center of the world was a mountain Thought the sun went around the mountain once a day In the nighttime it went behind the mountain and came out in the morning Greece Thought Earth floated in the ocean like a cork One man thought Earth was a cylinder with a rounded top that floated in the air Thought that beyond the sky was a region of fire The sun, stars, and moon were holes in the sky, through which the fire could be seen NOTE: All of these incorporate local features General Astronomy

Chapter 16 Speilvogel Notes

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Chapter 16: Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Modern Society Chapter Summary In the Scientific Revolution, Western Europe disproved the idea of a geocentric universe and of the old Ptolemaic-Aristotelian view of the world and a new conception of the universe was born. New conception: the sun at the center of the universe, planets as material bodies revolving around the sun in elliptical orbits, infinite rather than finite world. Nicolaus Copernicus: heliocentric universe; Johannes Kepler: elliptical orbits of planets; Galileo Galilei: observed moon and sunspots with telescope = discovered universe is composed of material substance; Isaac Newton: law of gravity.
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