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AP Chemistry MIDTERM review B

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An acid solution of unknown concentration is to be titrated with a standardized hydroxide solution that will be released from a buret. The buret should be rinsed with: hot distilled water distilled water at room temperature a sample of the unknown acid solution a sample of the hydroxide solution a neutral salt solution B 100 B 200 B 300 B 400 As a beaker of water is heated over a flame, the temperature increases steadily until it reaches 373K. At that point, the beaker is left on the flame, but the temperature remains at 373 as long as there is water in the beaker. This is because at 373K, the energy provided by the flame: no longer acts to increase the kinetic energy of the water molecules is completely absorbed by the glass beaker

Matter - Notes

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Notes ? Matter Describing Matter Definition - Anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter can be in three states (plasma is another state but exists at high energy that we will not deal with) Solid ? definite shape, definite volume, particles packed closely together Liquid ? indefinite shape, definite volume, particles can flow easily Gas/Vapor ? indefinite shape, indefinite volume, particles are spaced far apart Similar terms but not interchangeable Gases exist as gases at room temperature Vapors are in a gaseous state but generally exist as solids or liquids Characteristic/Physical Properties Physical Properties ? characteristics that are observed but never change for a substance Boiling point (condensation) - temperature at which a liquid turns to a vapor

6 glasses partial

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History of the world in 6 glasses, spirits: Cordoba was capital of Arab Andalusia, and had a ginormous library.Arabs advance in astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy, and invent astrolabe, algebra, and modern numeral system, herbs as anesthetics, navigation based on the compass, trigonometry, and nautical maps. Also refined and popularized distillation. Distillation began in 4th millennium BC in northern Mesopotamia, and was used for perfumes. Distillation applied to wine by Arab Jabir ibn Hayyan, father of chemistry. Distillation makes wine stronger due to lower boiling point of alchohol than water. Rectification is repeated distillation

Prentice Hall AP Chem. Chapter 1 notes

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Chapter 1 Introduction: Matter and Measurement John D. Bookstaver St. Charles Community College St. Peters, MO ? 2006, Prentice Hall Chemistry, The Central Science, 10th edition Theodore L. Brown; H. Eugene LeMay, Jr.; and Bruce E. Bursten Chemistry: The study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Scientific Method: A systematic approach to solving problems. Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Matter Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Each element is made of the same kind of atom. Matter Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Each element is made of the same kind of atom. A compound is made of two or more different kinds of elements. States of Matter Classification of Matter
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