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Sarah Hock Professor Diller IDH 3931 26 September 2013 Resume #5 In this portion of the text, Lancelot rescues Sir Gawain and his companions from the Dolorous Prison and admits King Arthur and Queen Guinevere to the Dolorous Guard Castle. However, because Lord Brandin, the previous owner of the Dolorous Guard Castle, keeps escaping from Lancelot, the people within the castle have not yet been freed. Lancelot leaves the castle and reunites with his squires, frees a handsome knight who also serves Queen Guinevere and successfully defeats the first knight who claimed to have loved the man who wounded the wounded knight more than the wounded knight himself.

religious Analysis Wicca v. Voodoo

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RUNNING HEAD: RELIGIONS 1 RELIGIONS 2 Religious Analysis Tiffany Ellis Argosy University HUM 215 ABSTRACT Wicca Vs. Voodoo. Their similarities, differences, leaders, followers, principles of their belief?s systems and how they coexist in a globalizing world. While I used Literati by CREDO for my scholarly reference, I included work from other authors which agree with my peer reviewed articles. Religion is a person?s beliefs and behaviors relating to supernatural beings and forces (Miller, 2010). Analyzing Religions Voodoo

music project

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AP Human Geography FOLK CULTURE VS. POPULAR CULTURE PLAY LIST PROJECT Music is one of the best ways to express traditional culture and modern culture. Music in America has shown us many cultural aspects of our heritage as Americans, historical events, and societal issues. Even music today is used to show political, economic, and social issues to Americans and it is a way to demonstrate our free speech right. The Task: You will need to create a music play list on a CD that demonstrates American folk and popular music. You may pick any songs from any decade that represent both types of culture. ( All songs must be school appropriate.) Your play list is worth 50 points of your project. The items include: At least 5 American folk songs (10 points)

King Arthur Essay

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Charlie Clevenger Mrs. Craft English 9H, Period 4 6 December 2011 King Arthur: The Chosen King Although his stories are probably fictional, King Arthur?s legendary figure has acquired large amounts of popularity in culture today. His legends have inspired a vast collection of books and movies. Although Arthur?s historical background is the basis for the legends, it is not nearly as precise. The legends involved a mixture of magic, romance, adventure, betrayal, and adultery. King Arthur was the greatest king of England, but his quest was for the Holy Grail, with his Knights of the Round Table, his magical sword Excalibur, and Merlin the Wizard.
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