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Themes & Variations: Chapter 3

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BRAIN & NERVOUS SYSTEM Nervous System: Peripheral: Somatic Nervous System: Afferent-Goes to CNS (BRAIN) Efferent-Goes away from the CNS (BRAIN) Autonomic Nervous System: automates your heart, lungs, and glands Sympathetic-output?of energy during times of stress [GO] Parasympathetic-conserves?bodily resources [BREAK] Structure: Neurons-basic unit of the nervous system; receive, integrate, transmit Glia- support, nourish insulate? Can also transmit. VERY MINOR ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Neuron: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MAIN 3 PARTS: Dendrite-takes information TO the cell body Cell Body-maintenance-keeps it alive Axon-takes the information AWAY from the neuron (highway of the nervous system) terminal button-small knob that secrete NEURO CHEMICALS Neuro chemicals-stored by synapse

Chapter 50 notes

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Ch 50. Sensory and Motor Mechanisms 50.1 ? sensory receptors transduce stimuli energy and transmit signals to the central nervous system by changing membrane potential. Reflex= simplest response circuit Star nosed mole that tactile ( touch) sensors on nose. Sensory Pathways have 4 functions: Sensory reception, transduction, transmission, perception Sensory reception- detection of a stimulus by sensory cells. Specialized nerurons or epithelial cells Exitst signally or in organs like eyes and ears Sensory receptor- descres a sensory cell or organ and he subcellular structure that interacts directly with simuli Detect stimuli OUTside of body like heat, light, and pressure, and chemicals. Inside body include body position, blood pressure, etc

chapter 48-50 biology slides

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Chapter 48 Nervous System LE 48-2a Nerve net Hydra (cnidarian) Radial nerve Nerve ring Sea star (echinoderm) LE 48-2b Eyespot Brain Nerve cord Transverse nerve Planarian (flatworm) Brain Ventral nerve cord Segmental ganglion Leech (annelid) LE 48-2c Insect (arthropod) Chiton (mollusc) Brain Ventral nerve cord Segmental ganglia Anterior nerve ring Longitudinal nerve cords Ganglia LE 48-2d Brain Ganglia Squid (mollusc) Brain Salamander (chordate) Spinal cord (dorsal nerve cord) Sensory ganglion The Mammalian Brain Human LE 48-3 Sensor Sensory input Motor output Integration Effector Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Central nervous system (CNS) LE 48-4 Quadriceps muscle Cell body of sensory neuron in dorsal root ganglion Sensory neuron Spinal cord (cross section)


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