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article review

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Surname 2 Name Instructor Course Date US Recessions According to the article, the financial crisis experienced in the US in the year 2007 is to blame for the persistently low level of per capita GDP and high level of unemployment. The authors use this outcome as evidence to support the assertion that financial crises resulting from systemic banking crisis are often deep and long lasting (Reinhart and Rogoff).

APUSH DBQ sample

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1945-1960 periodization New Era Nickname: Amiable America All of the events below helped to make Americans happier and life easier. Interstate Highway System- under Eisenhower, a large amount of highways were created across the United States, speeding up transportation time, and causing an increase in consumer spending from decreased transportational prices. Jonas Stalk created the Polio Vaccine- The Polio Vaccine prevented a multitude of deaths and contributed to our era nickname, Amiable America, because less Americans were dying from the deadly disease.

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Module Introduction to Macroeconomics ? Business Cycle: differences between downturns and upturns in macroeconomic Depression: Deep and prolonged downturn (ex: great depression) Recession: shorter economic downturns where output and employment are dropping (ex: state of the US now) Expansion: upturn where output and employment are rising Employment/Unemployment Employment: total number of people working for pay, rises in good economy Unemployment: total number of people who aren?t employed, rises in bad economy Labor Force: A country?s sum of employment and unemployment Unemployment Rate: percentage of labor force/people in country who are unemployed Aggregate Output Output: quantity of goods and services, decreases in bad economy

Economics Commentary (IB, IA)

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Commentary This article is about a recent decline in England?s economy, and how it may affect us on a macroeconomic level (i.e. the country?s future in regards to its, monetary policy, employment, GDP, and inflation). As England endures their economic recession we?ve seen an increase in unemployment, reductions in salaries and wages, and a decrease in consumer confidence.

Economics Commentary (IB, IA)

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Commentary This article is about a recent decline in England?s economy, and how it may affect us on a macroeconomic level (i.e. the country?s future in regards to its, monetary policy, employment, GDP, and inflation). As England endures their economic recession we?ve seen an increase in unemployment, reductions in salaries and wages, and a decrease in consumer confidence.

Ch 7 econ notes

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1.????? Real Economic growth a.?????? How does real economic growth occur? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.????? When the factors of production improve b.????? What does it look like on an AS AD model? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.????? Aggregate= Total ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ii.????? On Y axis is Average Price Level ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? iii.????? On X axis is Real GDP (Real Output c.?????? PPC? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.????? AD=C+Ig+G+Xn 1.????? Consumption, Investment, Gov Spending, Exports 2.????? So the curve will shift with these factors 2.????? Business Cycle (See One Note) a.?????? Explain What it is
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