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Balance of trade

Krugman AP Macro Economics Chapter 10

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?? Chapter 10: The Circular Flow and Gross Domestic Product ? National income and product accounts/National accounts: keep track of the flows of money between different sectors of the economy/ keep track of the spending of consumers, sales of producers, business investment spending, government purchases, and a variety of other flows of money among different sectors of the economy The Simple Circular Flow Diagram: Simple economic diagram with households and firms, omits a number of real-world complications in the interest of simplicity Household: consists of either an individual or a group of people who share their income Firm: is an organization that produces goods and services for sale and employs members of households

Psych Essay Intelligence

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Chirag Doshi 1/16/14 Essay Chapter 7 & 11 Mr. Schultz Do you believe that intelligence testing is a valid measure of ones intelligence? Why or why not? Which theorist and/or model do you believe best reflects human intelligence? Choose two problem solving techniques/impediments (heuristics, algorithms, confirmation and/or hindsight bias, framing, functional fixedness, etc.) and explain how they will help or hinder someone taking an intelligence test. Can intelligence be measured by a test or indexed by any manmade scale? The aforementioned question can only be answered when a concrete definition of intelligence is established and unfortunately there is no single, time-honored definition of intelligence, at least with regard to Psychology.

Ch 7 econ notes

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1.????? Real Economic growth a.?????? How does real economic growth occur? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.????? When the factors of production improve b.????? What does it look like on an AS AD model? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.????? Aggregate= Total ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ii.????? On Y axis is Average Price Level ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? iii.????? On X axis is Real GDP (Real Output c.?????? PPC? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i.????? AD=C+Ig+G+Xn 1.????? Consumption, Investment, Gov Spending, Exports 2.????? So the curve will shift with these factors 2.????? Business Cycle (See One Note) a.?????? Explain What it is
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