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Joseph Stalin


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Sp 27 prt 4 803-811 The Home Front I. WWII was even more of a total war than WWI. Fighting was more widespread and covered most of the globe. Economic mobilization was more extensive; so too was the mobilization of all women. The Mobilization of Peoples I. The home fronts of the major belligerents varied considerably based on national circumstances. Great Britain I. The British mobilized their resources more thoroughly than their allies or even Germany. A. By the summer of 1944, 55% of the British people were in the armed forces of civilian ?war work.? The British were especially determined to make use of women. B. By 1944, women held almost 50% of the civil service positions, and the number of

APUSH Brinkley cahpter 29.2 Terms

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Chapter?29.2:?The?Souring?of?the?Peace,?American?Politics?and?Society?After?the?War,? The?Korean?War,?The?Crusade?Against?Subversion? ? Potsdam?Conference? Truman?met?w/?Stalin?to?discuss?Germany.? Confirmed?that?Germany?would?remain? divided?w/?W?zones?into?1?nation,?friendly?to? US?and?Russia?w/?pro?Soviet?communist? govt.? Chiang?Kai?shek?&?The??China?Lobby??? Corrupt?govt.,?feeble?popular?legitimacy,?lived? in?isolation?(unwilling?to?face?problems).? Pro?Chiang?forces.? Mao?Zedong? Communist?army?leader?in?which?China?was? in?a?struggle?with.?In?control?of???of?Chinese? population.? George?F.?Kennan?&?The??Long?Telegram??&? ?Containment?? Influential?American?diplomat?who?warned?that in?Soviet?Union?US?faced?a?political?force?that?

APUSH Brinkley 10th edition chapter 28.2 & 29.1

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? Chapter?28.2,?29.1:?Defeat?of?the?Axis,?The?Origins?of?the?Cold?War? ? Luftwaffe? German?air?force.?Relocated?much?of?its? strength?in?Germany?&?engage?ally?forces.? Became?a?less?formidable?obstacle?to?allies.? D?Day,?Normandy?(June?6,?1944)? Cotentin?Peninsula.?Airplanes?&?battleships? bombarded?Nazis,?4,000?vessels?landed? troops?and?supplies.?German?forces? dislodged?from?whole?Normandy?coast.? Radar?and?sonar? Radio?detection?and?ranging.?Sound? navigation?and?ranging.?Technique?used?to? navigate?underwater.? Ultra?and?Magic? Sophisticated?German?coding?device.?Allies? broke?the?most?secret?German?codes.? General?Dwight?D.?Eisenhower? Supreme?Commander?of?the?allied?forces? sent?out?his?armada?(warships)?into?D?Day.?

APEURO Spielvogel ch 28 notes

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Chapter 28 Cold War (1945-1973) Why were the United States and Soviet Union suspicious of each other? What happened between 1945-1949 to heighten tension? What were the main developments in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe between 1945-1970? What were the main political developments in Western Europe between 1945-1970? * What were the similarities and differences in the political, social, and economic history of Eastern and Western Europe between 1945-1970? DEVELOPMENT OF COLD WAR (pg. 804-810) Confrontation of Superpowers: Unity between nations were maintained during WWII because of the need to defeat the Axis powers, but once they were defeated, differences between the Americans and Soviets surged.

APWH Chaper 34 notes

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Chapter?34: An Age of Anxiety Chapter Outline Probing cultural frontiers Postwar pessimism The "lost generation" Term used to describe pessimism of U.S. and European thinkers after the war Postwar poetry and fiction reflected disillusionment with western culture Scholars--Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee--lamented decline of the west Religious thought reflected uncertainty and pessimism Karl Barth attacked liberal Christian theology embracing idea of progress Older concepts of original sin and human depravity revived Attacks on the ideal of progress Science tarnished by the technological horrors of World War I Most western societies granted suffrage to all men and women Many intellectuals disillusioned with democracy Conservatives decried "the rule of inferiors"

Global History 2 mid term review

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Enlightenment: a cultural movement of intellectuals in the 17th and 18th centuries, first in Europe and later in the American colonies. Its purpose was to reform society using reason, challenge ideas grounded in tradition and faith, and advance knowledge through the scientific method. John Locke- Natural Rights; life, liberty, and property; Limited Government Thomas Hobbes- Strong Government maintained order and peace Voltaire- Advocate of religious tolerance and criticized power of the Church Adam Smith-Father of common economics; believed in big business; free-market Rousseau- People agree to be governed as long as the government protects them Montesquieu- Promoted the separation of powers French Revolution:

Joseph Stalin's Death

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Through a succession of bulletins, the Soviet people had been made aware that Stalin was gravely ill. At four in the morning of March 6, 1953, it was announced: "The heart of the comrade-in-arms and continuer of genius of Lenin's cause, of the wise leader and teacher of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union, has ceased to beat." Joseph Stalin, 73 years of age, had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died at 9:50 p.m. on March 5, 1953. Stalin's body was washed by a nurse and then carried via a white car to the Kremlin mortuary. There, an autopsy was performed. After the autopsy was completed, Stalin's body was given to the embalmers to prepare it for the three days it would lay-in-state.


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Analyzing the World War II Conference What basic wartime strategy was decided at the December 22, 1941, meeting of Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt? On December 22, 1941, in meeting of Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt, they decided to concentrate on weakening the Axis Powers and contain Japan until they had enough military success in Europe to attack Japan. What possible reason could the Soviets give for breaking off relations with the Polish government-in-exile? The Soviets broke off relations with the Polish government-in-exile for the reason that they turned towards a democratic system. The USSR was communist and wanted Poland to return to a communist style of government.


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