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Italian unification

The Unification of Italy

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Unification?of?Italy?? ? ? Q:?Describe?&?Explain?the?Unification?of?Italy.?? ? The?Unification?of?Italy?divides?in?to?3?main?stages:?1815?1830:?Revolts?all?over?Italy.?Revolts?are? suppressed.?1848?1849:?Revolts?all?over?Italy.?Revolts?are?suppressed.?1858?1870:?The?unification?of?Italy?? ? Introduction?To?understand?the??unification?of?Italy?,?matters?before?the?revolution?need?to?be?examined.?? ? Up?until?1716,?Italy?was?just?a?big?piece?of?land?divided?among?small?kingdoms?of?monarchs.?(ref.?H.O.?#1? p.29)?? ? When?napoleon?Bonaparte?conquered?Italy,?he?left?them?3?things,?which?were?probably?the?key? characteristics?in?the?revolution:???Efficient?Government.???A?practical?demonstrations?of?the?benefits?from?a? unified?Italy???Hatred?towards?foreign?influence.??

Italian Unification

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NAME _____________________________ Mod ____ Ms. Pojer EHAP HGHS Italian Unification ? Document Packet Document 1 Questions: 1. In what ways does this speech appeal particularly to workers? 2. What was Mazzini asking the workers to do? 3. Why does Mazzini believe that 'the map of Europe will be re-drawn'? 4. In what ways would you use this historical document in writing about the rise of Italian nationalism? Yours first duties?first as regards importance?are, as I have already told you, towards Humanity. You are men before you are either citizens or fathers. Embrace the whole human family in your affection. Bear witness to your belief in the Unity of that family, consequent upon the Unity of God, and in that fraternity

What Is a Nation? Territories, States, and Citizens, 1848–1871

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Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP European History 23 May 2015 Chapter 11 Outline Territories, States, Citizens, 1848 ? 1871 3/13/1848, Klemens von Metternich was forced toresign as minister of state His system of internat'l relations, stability was guaranteed by reinforcing legit. Of rulers against reform, was swept aside by liberalism Fled England; French king was overthrown in 2/1848 Regime change, expo., econ., citizenship were issues in 1848 Nationalismwas based on assumption that gov?t?s could be legit. Only if they reflected char., history, customs of nation 1789-1848, Euros associated nat?l?ism with liberalism

Italy and Germany Uniting

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Explain the political, social, economic factors that led to Italian and German unification. What problems did each nation face after unification and how did they deal with it? Introduction: During the late 1800?s, a new group of leaders practiced what they called realpolitik which means ?the politics of reality?. As nationalism grew in strength, it destroyed the balance of power that Metternich carefully established. Both potential nations, threatened the future of the Austrian- Hungarian Empire. Italy becomes a nation Why was Italy not unified? Separate city-states Foreign control (Austria threatened Italy) North wealthier than south Geography separated people Why to Unify? Same religion (99.5 % Catholic) Culture (food) Nationalism Germany becomes a nation

euro 22

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Chapter 22 An Age of Nationalism and Realism, 1850-1871 The France of Napoleon III National Unification: Italy and Germany The Unification of Italy Advocates for Italian unification look to northern Italian state of Piedmont for hope 1852: Count Camillo di Cavour named prime minister by Victor Emmanuel II Cavour: favored constitutional government; economic expansion + building of roads, canals, railroads + expand credit + stimulate investment in new industries growth in Piedmont?s economy pour money into equipping large army Cavour?s plan for unification: make deal with Napoleon III reorganization of Italy Central Italy created for Napoleon III?s cousin, Prince Napoleon (marry daughter of King Victor Emmanuel) April 1859: provoked Austrians into invading Piedmont

Causes of World War I

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Unification of Italy Unification of Italy A. Sense of nationalism grows 1. The work of Mazzini a. Started the Young Italians b. Learn Italian History B. The work of Cavour 1. Worked in Sardinia for Victor Emmanuel II 2. Unified Northern Italy C. The work of Garibaldi 1. Freedom fighter in South America 2. Created Redshirts 3. Unified Southern Italy D. Impact of the unification of Italy 1. Upset the European balance of power 2. Italy wants an Empire Count Cavour Garibaldi Unification of Germany A. the father land 1. means an aggressive nation 2. a nation born through struggle B. Otto von Bismarck 1. known as the ?Iron Chancellor? 2. expected Germans to sacrifice themselves C. the use of iron and blood
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