AP Biology Chapter 16 Notes Campbell/Reece
Chapter 16 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance Essay questions will be on Feulgen, Griffith experiement, Hershey and Chase, Chargoff, Watson and Crick, Tatum Beadle Experiment Overview: Your genetic material is contained in: 1. 46 chromsomes from mom and dad 2. Mitochondrial DNA from mom Nucleic acids - Unique from all other molecules in that they can direct their own replication. 16.1 DNA is the genetic material A. The Search for Genetic Material: Scientific Inquiry Initially, Genes were noted to be on chromosomes (b/c of work by Morgan an d Mendel) ? so people didn?t know if they were on the proteins or on the DNA. 1. Frederick Griffith (figure 16.2)? Showed evidence that DNA (not protein) can transform bacteria Background: