Chapter 14 Outline: Traditions and Encounters 5th Ed., Bentley&Ziegler
Samuel Choi CHAPTER 14 OUTLINE The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China The Sui Dynasty Establishment of the Dynasty Yiang Jian was the first Sui ruler Yang Jian appointed Duke of Sui in Northern China by Turkish ruler, who died in 580, left a 7-year old heir Yang Jian installed the boy as leader, but forced his abdication a year later and claimed the mandate of heaven. In the next decade, Yang Jian sent military into South and Central Asia, and by 589, ruled all of China. The Sui emperors had high demands from the people, had big construction projects, military expeditions, high taxes, and compulsory labor. The Grand Canal Most elaborate Sui project was the construction of the Grand Canal, one of world?s largest water projects.