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Island countries

Imperialism Mind Map

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Imperialism Causes hemispheric hemogeny sec of state James Blaine - expand US influence in latin america provide markets for surplus goods organized Pan-American Congress Pres Cleveland had duspute w/ GB over Venezuela border new manifest destiny closing of frontier in 1890s natural resources would dwindle, find abroad foreign trade and desire for new markets Eur imperialism leaves Am out of spoils social darwinism only fittest nations survive justify strong nations dominating weaker influential writings Josiah Strong: Our Country Anglo-saxon represent Christianity, liberty, must spread John Burgess duty of Anglo-saxon to uplift less fortunate Adm Alfred T. Mahan: Influence of Sea Power countries with sea power great nations of history foreign commerce

current event 3

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April 25th, 2014 09:41 AM ET Dominican Republic 'committed to inclusive immigration policy' By?An?bal de Castro, Special to CNN Editor?s note: An?bal de Castro is ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the United States. This article is a response to an?opinion piece from Amnesty International?published earlier this week. The views expressed are his own. The Dominican Republic is taking proactive steps to tackle the complex issue of immigration by implementing a policy for registering both national and immigrant citizens, while protecting everyone?s fundamental rights. And the challenges the Dominican Republic is facing to adopt these policies are not much different than those confronting the United States and other nations.
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