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My Favorite Place Many people when asked, ?What is your favorite place to visit?? they would usually say Paris, New York, or California. But I fell in love with the rinky dinky island pasted in the Caribbean Sea, ever since I first laid my eyes on its traditions, landmarks, and people. My hometown: Havana, Cuba. The first time I visited Havana, I met my family and was so thrilled to meet my

spanish american war

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Preview: Sparks of War Think about the major wars in U.S. History. Write down the ?spark? that ignited the following wars: Civil War World War I World War II War on Terrorism The Spanish American War ?A splendid little war.? Origins of the Spanish American War 1890- Spain?s overseas empire had been reduced to Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico and a few smaller islands U.S. raised tariff on foreign sugar? Cuba?s unemployment rose ?depression Jose? Marti declares Cuban Independence in 1895 Valeriano ?The Butcher? Weyler?s ?concentration? Policy Concentration Camps Conditions of disease and starvation ended up killing 25% of Cuban population. ?Yellow Journalism? Joseph Pulitzer New York World William Randolph Hearst New York Journal

Imperialism Mind Map

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Imperialism Causes hemispheric hemogeny sec of state James Blaine - expand US influence in latin america provide markets for surplus goods organized Pan-American Congress Pres Cleveland had duspute w/ GB over Venezuela border new manifest destiny closing of frontier in 1890s natural resources would dwindle, find abroad foreign trade and desire for new markets Eur imperialism leaves Am out of spoils social darwinism only fittest nations survive justify strong nations dominating weaker influential writings Josiah Strong: Our Country Anglo-saxon represent Christianity, liberty, must spread John Burgess duty of Anglo-saxon to uplift less fortunate Adm Alfred T. Mahan: Influence of Sea Power countries with sea power great nations of history foreign commerce

Chapter 27 Test

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Name ___________________________ Date ________________ A.P. U.S. History & Government Mr. Ferretti Chapter 27 Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions. 26. In his book Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, the Reverend Josiah Strong advocated American expansion a. based on a powerful new navy. b. to open up new markets for industrial goods. c. to spread American religion and values. d. to ease labor violence at home. e. to maintain white racial superiority. 27. By the 1890s, the United States was bursting with a new sense of power generated by an increase in a. population. b. wealth. c. industrial production.

Chapter 27 Outline

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Chapter 27 Outline Catherine Snyder, P. 1 Imperialist Stirrings ?Yellow press?: described foreign exploits as manly adventures Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis: by Josiah Strong, encouraged missionaries in imperialism Theodore Roosevelt/Congressman Henry Cabot Lodge: believed in social Darwinism, needed to prove America?s dominance The Influence of Sea Power upon History: by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, argued that control of the sea was the key to world dominance, stimulated naval race among the great powers ?Big Sister? policy: pushed for by James G. Blaine, aimed to rally Latin American (LA) nations behind the US (leader)

cold war

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The Cold War Divides the World 17.4 Third World: often newly independent & developing nations Africa, Latin America, Asia Traded assistance from the USSR or US in return for their support in the Cold War Nonaligned nations: the independent countries that remained neutral in the Cold War competition between the U.S. & Soviet Union India, Indonesia How was the Cold War fought 1. Foreign Aid: $$ 2. Espionage: Spies 3. Multinational Alliances: NATO v. Warsaw Pact 4. Propaganda: Radio 5. Brinkmanship: Threats 6. Surrogate Wars: Korea, Vietnam etc. The Cuban Revolution Important People Battista: American supported, but unpopular Cuban dictator Castro: leader of the communist revolution-overthrew Battista Eisenhower: American President


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In the 1890?s, the United States of America was at a crucial juncture in terms of its growth as a country. With The Civil War coming to a close and the West being settled, the conflicts that plagued and hindered the progress of the nation from its birth came to a harmonious resolution. With a drastic rise in its population and a booming economy, which was supported by a surplus of industrial production, America was on its road to becoming one of the great nations of the world. The question at that point of time was not what is wrong with the country, but what more can you do for the country? Although America was at such an advanced and civilized position, there were many parts of the world that were not even close to being at the same place.

US History II Midterms Guide

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1 1/24/2009 History Midterm Study Guide Contents Matching ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Define ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Short Answers ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Essays .......................................................................................................................................................... 4


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