Exam time is notorious for the amount of pressure that it puts on students. The exams are often worth 25% or more of the course, and if that weren’t enough, many colleges and universities base your acceptance on your exam results, particularly your SAT’s. Once high school is done most students appreciate the fact that they won’t have to endure exams again. Then, come college or university, they find the pressure to be even more intense than it was in high school.
It doesn’t take a poorly-acted high school movie to point out the academic pressure that high school and university students are under. Mid-term exams, SAT’s, college entrance exams, finals, challenge exams… they’re all seemingly nothing more than ways for the average student to spend a few weeks stressing out every year.
Obtaining a job as a student is a difficult task, and it is made to be an even greater challenge when you consider that most students don’t have extensive experience or qualifications. Your typical high school student might have some related classes or volunteering experience, but that’s generally about it- not exactly the stellar resume that one hopes to be able to submit with an application.
Why do we use MLA formatting? It’s quite simple: this formatting style creates a system for writers to reference sources they use in essays and on works cited pages, as well as for formatting manuscripts in general.
MLA formatting also increases a writer’s credibility because it creates a relationship of accountability between the writer and his or her material. And perhaps more importantly, it protects them from accusations of plagiarism.
Creating a logical structure to one’s paper is what organizing a paper or report means. Poor organization is perhaps the biggest complaint among critics of papers and reports. Poor organization can lead to reader confusion, and will likely result in the paper remaining unread.
How to cite a site. Sounds like a tongue twister of sorts, but its an important asset for your bibliography.
It’s a simple fact: better study methods and employing particular study strategies yield higher exam scores.
Reviewing the material you’ve written and read during class will help solidify it in your mind. Cramming the night before an exam isn’t a good method for test preparation. Lecture notes, textbooks and study guides should be out in front of you as you begin to study. Writing a summary of the most relevant information during your study period will help memorization.
If you're nervous about taking that test, you're not alone. A lot of people get nervous when they have to take a test, but some of that nervousness can be alleviated by making sure that you're prepared.
The works cited page should remain on a separate page. All entries should be double spaced, and margins of no more or less than one inch should exist at the top, sides and bottoms. The Works Cited page should be titled ‘Works Cited’ and should not include quotation marks, bold text style or in any way effected (except for capitalization. Each entry line should flush left, with all subsequent related lines indented ½ inch.
We’re going to briefly examine what a sentence is exactly, and how it comes in different forms. Our first type of sentence is what is known as a simple sentence. This sentence contains one clause and one clause only, which can include only one word, such as “Go!” It would be a mistake to assume, however, that a simple sentence can’t be a long sentence.
One can’t tell a compound sentence, for instance, from a simple one. It’s also very important to include transitional phrases in order to link simple sentences to surrounding ones.
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