So has anyone started to look at colleges? Where are people thinking of applying? What are your preferences? Big school? Small? Urban/rural? etc etc
Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)
I don't want to live in the city, and that's all I know for sure. The only university I've checked out so far is Clarion U, about 2.5 hours north of Pittsburgh-- It's out in the sticks, but it has the major I'm looking for and with the exception of the cell like Dorm rooms, I liked it a lot. I have the better part of a year yet to shop around, though, since I'm only a junior now. It's so exciting!
I'm still looking for one! any one have any suggestions. I want to study European history but want to keep it fun. Not a full fledged party girl but have to keep it real. Thinking London but not sure
well there are a lot of little schools in london. i don't think you would want to go for one of there major universities. just remember that if you want to go to school over seas it is much easier to get into a college in the US then do a semestar abroud. personally i'm going to go to NYU whatever it takes.
Thanks for the Suggestion. Actually Started to think that would be the best plan myself.
I want to apply for CAL-TECH university in Pasadena, because it is one of the best schools in Astro-physics which is what I want my major to be.
As far away from Alabama as possible
:) [=Franklin Gothic Medium][=6][=DarkRed] Rockin Robin :mad:
I'm planning on going to University of Miami, University of Florida, or University of Central Florida..I really havent decided exactly where (I still have time ;) ) ..because I really havent decided 100% what I want to major is going to be in the medical field though
Pre-Med = UF
Nursing (or something related)= UM or UCF
[B].K E R R I [/B]
Either Nc State or Chapel Hill or if I'm luck enough Duke. I live in North Carolina so im choosing schools that aren't too far and they all have pre-med :o
my favorite school is arizona state, i visit arizona alot and the phoenix tempe area is awesome, warm, chicks everywhere, young kids everywhere nothing not to love. i like the southwest in general if not arizona state i like sandiego state, univeristy of arizona, usc, ucla. if i dont somewhere in southern cali or arizona i will just stay in illinois either at u of i, depaul, or uic. goin to school in chicago would be fun too
Xenergy15X wrote:I want to apply for CAL-TECH university in Pasadena, because it is one of the best schools in Astro-physics which is what I want my major to be.
Alright! I'm still teetering on whether to major in electronics or aerospace engineering, but either way, I'm looking to apply at Cal-Tech, Cal Poly Pomona, and UCLA.
Sig by me ^^;;
69% of young Americans can't find Great Britain on a map and 29% can't place the Pacific Ocean. Bright future we're having.