i'm a new member to course-notes.org and i'm a AP US History student in west palm beach, fl. i'm just wondering does any of ur teachers give out worksheets? because my teacher really thinks its a college class and lectures like he is at an AP convention and he would lecture for 3 days and give a massive test on the fourth. can i please get ur opinions on this
Wow i get lectures but not for three hours and my class are 95 minutes long but you get a test on the lecture or the unit that weird he really treats it as a college class .
yeah my teacher gives out tons of worksheets for us to complete and they are mostly pointless. we dont have very many lectures but we do have quite a few class dicussions.
We get lectures somedays, have class discussions some days, take quizzes on some, go over them, have tests, do groupwork, and worksheets/taking notes on chapters for homework.
«US History, 5» «Euro History, 5» «BC Calculus, 5» «US Politics, 5» «Computer Science A, 5»
"How hard could it b
I would love workesheets. We primarily do (grade taking wise) Superquizzes/really hard test and Timed Essay's/DBQ's.
We have class discussions after we take the Supperquizzes (ussualy on a tuesday) that lead up to a Essay or DBQ (ussualy on a firday).
we don't get much of anything..
We do about notes / lecture for the first half of class (around 45 minutes) and then for the second half we'll usually do a 'chart' or outline of the chapter comparing and constrasing major ideas. o.O
our class is a major lecture session. we do lectures all the time. but our teacher is an ultra liberal, so we spend many days on civil rights and no time on Israel. yeah, we rarely get worksheets, its all like a college course, we always have HW and essays to write, it's the hardest course i have ever taken.
yeah my class is just like apocolypse7
my class sucks the teacher does not lecture at all he sits around all day while we (the students) outline the chapters and tyake super hard tests on the chapters he has given 3 lectures all year HE IS SO LAZY he just makes the class harder by doing nothing
Thats how my APUSH class is like :( I HATE EVERY MINUTE OF IT
My APUS class is exactly like a college course. All lecture (which is only supposed to be used as a supplement to our outside-of-class notes on the text). Our teacher sometimes gives us Worksheets, but our only grades are essays, DBQs, tests, and the occasional "group notes" project. We have a test about every week or every 10 days, depending on how well we're doing, and they're always over 2 or 3 chapters.
I hate my class!! Its just like a college class where all my teacher does is basically lecture on ony particular chapters. Not only are his lectures boring but they only cover the surface of the subject The smaller details are ommited, which usually end up on his tests. our grades are based SOLELY on tests, which we have approx. 4 a quarter and one test which consist of 80 MC and 2 Essays in 60 MIn. They can basically make or break your grade. I hate this class with a passion! Btw im new here :) lol