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AP Art History

"Nude Girl on Panther Skin" Painting: Formalist Analysis

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Angelo Izzo Mr. Taylor Period 1- Art History Formalist Criticism: Nude Girl on a Panther Skin ?Nude Girl on a Panther Skin? was painted by Felix Trutat. It was painted in the year 1844. The painting depicts a nude, young woman in a dark room. She lays upon the skin of a spotted panther. Beside her is a staff with a large pine cone at the tip, and what appears to be a vine, or a whip of some sort.

Early Religious Art

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Jewish Art 70 CE 'Destruction of Jerusalem' 3rd Century after Roman Rule Christian Art Early Christian Art 100-6th century CE Early Imperial Christian Art 313-476 CE Muslim Art The founding of Islam 622 CE Early Caliphs 633-661 CE Umayyad Dynasty 661-750 CE Abbasid Dynasty 750-1258 CE Spanish Umayyad Dynasty 756-1031 CE Judaism God: There is one all knowing, all powerful, and ever present God. Holy Book: The Torah was given to Moses by God himself and kept within the Arc of the Covenant. Land: 'Canaan' (modern day Palestine) was promised to the Jews by God. Prophets: Moses was the greatest prophet and the Torah tells of the coming of a 'Messiah' who will bring peace to the world. The Jews do not believe Christ is the Messiah. Christianity

Cubism's Breakthrough and General Analysis

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Cubism is said to have its breakthrough with Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d' Avignon( pictured: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Les_Demoiselles_d%27Avignon.jpg ), in which several Parisian prostitutes are seen from different perspectives. Their faces seem to be devolving from left to right, getting darker and darker. The influence of African and Oceanic tribal masks are apparent; as we see in the woman inthe bottom right, who is also seen simultaneously from the front and the back. Even though this work is not quite as geometrically– inclined as some earlier cubist works, (Violin and Candlestick, 1910; pictured: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Violin_and_Candlestick.jpg ); the women in Avignon are displayed rather hard-edged nonetheless.

Art History Museum Worksheet

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A WORKSHEET COMPANION TO PAINTING, DRAWING, AND PRINTMAKING Artist:_____________________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Dimensions: ____________________________ Location: _____________________________________________________________________ Medium: ? oil ? acrylic ? tempera ? fresco ? watercolor ? mixed media ? electronic media ? pencil ? charcoal ? pastel ? ink ? other:_______ ? woodcut ? engraving ? etching ? lithograph ? silkscreen ? other:______________ Support: ? canvas ? wood ? paper ? wall ? other:_______ What is the subject matter of the work? ? religious ? mythological ? portrait ? still life

Gustav Holst

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Gustav Holst (1874-1934) Gustav Holst was an extremely talented and famous composer in England who lived in 1874 through to 1934. His family was originally Swedish, then they moved to Germany, and then on to England. Gustav's father, Adolph married Clara, a pianist student of his, who later died giving birth when Gustav was just 8. Gustav Holst was a touchy and depressed child. His eyes were weak, but no one thought he had to wear glasses. His chest was also weak, but no one cared much about his asthma. He had to rest while doing simple physical activities, such as climbing stairs. In his youth, Gustav hated practicing the violin, but enjoyed the piano, which he had began to practice as soon as he was tall enough.

ARt 108 History of Western Art Rubric

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Drop box Rubric0. The color red indicates the ?extras? necessary for that particular grade. Italics indicates that which is expected to receive a minimal passing grade. Standard text is used to point out the minimum that is expected to earn a grade of at least 70 or explain the 0 land 0 ? 59 sections . Bold is a warning to indicate the kind of work that earns a minimum passing grade of 60. Grade Criteria 90 - 100 Answers the question. Provides all the information. Provides extra information. Points out something of which I might not be aware. Includes a picture/illustration. Is composed of at least 2-3 paragraphs per answer, i.e., if there are three questions your submission should involve at LEAST 6 paragraphs.

Geometric and Orientalizing Questions

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Chap 5 Ancient Greece--Geometric and Orientalizing ---page 112 1. What does the phrase ?man is the measure of all things? mean? 2. What is humanism? How does this philosophy compare to the Egyptian or Mesopotamian religious sense? 3. Although the ancient Greeks had lofty ideals such as a perfect balance between intellectual and physical disciple, and the principles of democracy, there actual society fell short of an ideal civilization in what ways? 4. Please know about the 12 gods and goddesses listed on page 107. Also the two at the end, Hades and Bacchus. 5. What accomplishments were lost during the ?dark ages?, roughly between 1200 and 700 BCE ? 6. What was the one art that was continued during these centuries?


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