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Cognitve Dissonance

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Cognitive Dissonance: (irreconcilable ideas): The adjustment of one?s beliefs/thoughts/ideas to fit one?s behavior. Leon Festinger: (Born: May 8, 1919) Theories: dramatic increase in Proselytizing: (desperate defense mechanism used when beliefs are proven to be false.)? ? such an obvious failure is Counterintuitive. Reasoning: the distance between one/s beliefs & reality is highly uncomfortable. Experiments: 1. Paid subjects 20$ to lie& paid different only 1$.? ? Found that subjects that were paid less were more likely than the subjects who were paid 20$ to say that they actually believed the lies. Festinger?s hypothesis: Subjects brought beliefs in line with behavior. Cognitive Dissonance Theory Suggest:

Psychology Chapter 3: The Biological Bases of Behavior

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The Neural Impulse: Using Energy to Send Information pg75 • Neuron At Rest -The Neuron at rest is a small battery, from the uneven Ion charges from the fluid around it of Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K). -Resting Potential – The Stable, Negative Charge when the Cell is inactive. •The Action Potential - Action Potential – A very brief shift in a Neuron’s electrical charge that travels along an axon. -Absolute Refractory Period – Minimum length of time after an action potential during which another action potential cannot begin. Only about 1 or 2 Milliseconds. -All-Or-None Law – Neural Impulses either Fire or don’t fire. There is no Half-Fire. A faster Rate of transmission means a stronger Stimulus. •The Synapse


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Memory The persistence of learning over time through the storage and retrieval of information. Take out a piece of paper?.. Name the seven dwarves?.. Now name them?.. Was it easy or hard? It depends on several things?. If you like Disney movies? When was the last time you have seen the movie? Are people around you being loud pain in the butts so you cannot concentrate? Recall Versus Recognition Recall you must retrieve the information from your memory fill-in-the blank or essay tests Recognition you must identify the target from possible targets multiple-choice tests The Memory Process Three step process?. Encoding: The processing of information into the memory system. Storage: The retention of encoded material over time.

Psychology Vocab

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Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) -the thing that the organism naturally, reflexively responds to -ex: meat powder for a dog Unconditioned Response(UCR) -natural, unlearned, largely reflexive response to the UCS -ex: excitement or anticipation at the presentation of meat powder (dogs salivate) Conditioned Stimulus (CS) -?what is the learner now responding to that he did not previously respond to in this way?? -initially meaningful stimuli -ex: dog learned to respond to sound of bell Conditioned Response (CR) -new, learned response to the CS -ex: dog drooling at sound of bell Delayed Conditioning Arrangements -sub-division of forward conditioning (CS is presented b4 the US) -the CS is present until the US begins Trace Conditioning Arrangements

AP Psychology 5 step to a 5

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Brain Study Guide

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The Brain Depolarization: positive ions, more likely action potential Hyperpolarization.: negative ions, less likely (Types Of) Neurotransmitters ? Chemicals that bind to receptor sites ? Impact/influence receiving neuron ? Reabsorbed into sending neurons through process of reuptake ? Applies brake on neurotransmitter?s action ? Serotonin pathways - involved w mood regulation ? Dopamine pathways - involved w diseases such as schizophrenia & Parkinson?s ____________________________________________________________________________ Neurotransmitter Function Examples of Malfunctions _____________________________________________________________________________ Acetylcholine (ACh) Muscle action, Deterioration: Alzheimer?s learning & memory


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Karen Horney- Neo-Freudian Carol Gilligan- Men and women have different feelings about things, women act differently. Don?t need physiological needs. Maslow is more sexist than she would like. Carl Rodgers- Just like Maslow said- people are basically good. You must accept your SELF not yourself. A.G.E A- Acceptance G- Genuineness- open with your feelings and honest with your self. E- Empathy If you grow up and your parents give you unconditional positive regard- complete acceptance of who you are, you make a mistake they still love you. Ideal Self- Hope what you can be. Actual Self- What you are. Criticism of Humanistic Psychology- Very difficult to do a lot of research. Everyone has different views of themselves.

Psychology Themes & Variations Chpt.7 Key notes.

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Chapter 7: Human Memory. There are two types of memory, one for general info & memory for personal events called semantic and episodic memory. - Encoding: involves forming a memory code & getting info in. Storage: involves maintaining encoded information in memory over time. Retrieval: involves recovering information from memory stores. Encoding: Requires attention; the role of attention involves focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events. (Often linked to a ?filter? that screens out most potential stimuli while allowing a select few to pass through conscious awareness.) Model of selective attention: STIMULUS -> SENSORY DETECTION -> RECOGNITION OF MEANING (early ? late) -> RESPONSE SELECTION -> RESPONSE


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