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Campbell's Biology 9 Edition Chapter 9 Outline

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Ch. 9 Notes Energy flows through systems not recyclable Matter recyclable Cellular respiration: Require ATP to be done Energy used to make ADP to ATP from glucose ATP modified RNA nucleotide A lot of APT necessary to do the smallest of tasks If ATP stopped being made we could only live 4 seconds Mitochondria make the ATP in plants and animals Chloroplasts convert sunlight into organic molecules to be used Glucose + 6 Oxygen -> 6 Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP Oxidation and reduction has to do with 90% of ATP being produced NAD+ + H+ + 2e- = NADH Instrumental in the production of ATP More NADH the more ATP will be produced 2 different mechanisms contribute to ATP production Substrate level Phosphorylation: Chemiosmosis (Oxidative Phosphorylation):

Drugs and neurotransmitter effects

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Drug Effects Drug Type Neurotransmitters involved Similar Drugs Cocaine Energetic, euphoric, heart damage, appetite suppression Stimulant Dopamine Agonist (Dopamine uptake inhibitor) Heroin/ morphine/ opium Pain relief, euphoria, relaxed, short term memory loss Narcotic Activates all opiate receptors Hydrocodone, oxycontin, Demerol, methadone Marijuana Calm, happy, hungry, appreciate abstract thoughts Cannabis Cannabinoid receptors Cigarettes Rapid heartbeat; Increased blood pressure; Rapid, shallow breathing; initially causes a rapid release of?adrenaline Nicotine Acetylcholine receptor agonist Coffee Alertness, appetite suppression, headache relief (vasodilator) Caffeine Adenosine receptor agonist

The Biological Bases of Behavior

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Neurotransmitters and The Parts of a Neuron

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Important Neurotransmitters: 1. Acetylcholine 2. Dopamine 3. Serotonin 4. Endorphins Parts of a Neuron: 1. Dendrites 2. Soma (cell body) 3. Axon 4. Myelin Sheath 5. Axon terminals 6. Synapse

Brain Study Guide

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The Brain Depolarization: positive ions, more likely action potential Hyperpolarization.: negative ions, less likely (Types Of) Neurotransmitters ? Chemicals that bind to receptor sites ? Impact/influence receiving neuron ? Reabsorbed into sending neurons through process of reuptake ? Applies brake on neurotransmitter?s action ? Serotonin pathways - involved w mood regulation ? Dopamine pathways - involved w diseases such as schizophrenia & Parkinson?s ____________________________________________________________________________ Neurotransmitter Function Examples of Malfunctions _____________________________________________________________________________ Acetylcholine (ACh) Muscle action, Deterioration: Alzheimer?s learning & memory
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