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Roman empire

global essay

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Ian Konrad 11-21-13 While Han China had a more centralized political structure than the Roman Empire, the political system of the Roman Empire was much more effective than Han China?s. Han China had a very similar economic system to the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire?s culture was borrowed from its neighbors, the Greeks, while Han China made much advancement in art and technology as well.

AP World History Chapter 4 Outlines

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The Persian Empire After the fall of the Egyptian and Hittite Empires in the Middle East (1200 BCE) many smaller states prevailed the area. Then over time new powers came to attention with first the Assyrians, then the Persians. And then a great conqueror was well known named Cyrus the Great. Cyrus was known for establishing the Persian Empire located in the northwestern region of India. Cyrus allowed some of the empire to keep older traditions such as cuneiform. For quite some time the Persian empire was considered to be much more advanced and skilled compared to the Greeks. The empire also created many political and cultural traditions still used today in present day Iran. Political Styles and Innovations

Chapter 12 Outline: Traditions and Encounters 5th Ed., Bentley&Ziegler

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Sam Choi CHAPTER 12 OUTLINE Long-Distance Trade and The Silk Roads Network Trade Networks of the Hellenistic Era The frequency of long-distance trade increased during the Hellenistic era. This was mainly because of colonies established by the Seleucids and Alexander the Great in Persia and Bactria. Such settlements were originally populated by military and administrators, but later attracted Greek merchants, who connected such areas to the Mediterranean. Seleucids promoted trade, controlled trade routes between Bactria and rest of world. Ptolemies also focused on maritime as well as overland trade, defeated pirates and built new ports. The Monsoon System Ptolemaic mariners learned about monsoon winds and the wind cycle in the Indian basin

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean: Greece and Rome I. Introduction A. Mediterranean culture 1. Greece slowed Persian empire, set up a few colonies, but? 2. Rome known for empire 3. New institutions/values that would remain in western culture 4. ?our own? Classical past a. U.S. Constitution b. buildings in the U.S. c. founders of the philosophical tradition d. Socratic method B. Greco-Roman history 1. more dynamic, but less successful * We can clearly recognize the connections and our own debt without adhering to the notion that the Mediterranean world somehow dominated the classical period. 2. Complicated ? passed through two centers a. Rome preserved many of Greek achievements C. Rome vs. Greece

Rome Supplemental Notes

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ROME NOTES The Founding of the Roman Republic & the Conquest of Italy, Carthage, and the Western Mediterranean The legendary date for the founding of the city of Rome is 753 BCE, and although this date is probably not exact, it is probably approximately correct. Legend of Romulus and Remus

Pax Romana

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Fully identify this work of art including the date it was created and subject(s) of the reliefs that decorate it. Briefly discuss how this structure expresses moral ideals and/or political goals important at the time it was created. Provide a single clear and concise paragraph for your answer.

Chapter 6- The Earth and its peoples

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Chapter 6 Notes: In 166 CE Romans claiming to be delegates of the Emperor arrived in China, probably hoping to set up a profitable trade agreement at the source of silk- they most likely were not delegates at all Rome and China were linked with far-flung international trading networks encompassing the entire Eastern Hemisphere and were dimly aware of each other?s existence Roman empire encompassed all the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea as well as substantial portions of the continental Europe and the Middle East Han Empire stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the Oasis of central Asia Tiber river on one side and double ring of seven hills on the other created natural protection of Rome Rome?s extremely fertile volcanic soil sustained larger pop. than is Greece

Chapter Five: An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China (753 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.)

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Cheng Chen 2nd of October of 2006 4th Hour Belch, AP World History Chapter 5 Notes/Outline An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China (753 B.C.E. ? 600 C.E.) The Roman Mediterranean Empire (753 B.C.E. ? 600 C.E.) Farmer Republic (753-31 B.C.E.) From the Beginning Ever since the beginning of the Roman Empire, there has been a developing form of republic. The first king of Rome was Romulus. As Rome was more and more occupied, the Roman Forum (civic center) that was once a swamp was drained in 600 B.C.E. Afterwards (507-31 B.C.E.), the Roman Republic was founded. This was the basic Roman government other than the imperial leaders. However, the main power of Rome lies with the Roman Senate, an advisory council for the king and for Roman republicans.

Rome and Han

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The Conrad Demarest Model of Empires Rome Han Gupta Sassanid Necessary preconditions for rise of empire: State-level government High agricultural potential Environmental mosaic Several small states, no clear dominant state Mutual antagonism among states Adequate military resources States succeed in empire building: Ideology promotes personal identification with state, empire, leader, conquest, &/or militarism Characteristics of well-run empires: Build roads, transportation systems, canals, ports, etc. Trade increases Cosmopolitan cities?art & education flourish Effective bureaucracy ? ensure communication, collect taxes, oversee coinage, ensure emperor?s laws enforced Common official language (communication)


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