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Shier, Butler, and Lewis: Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, 12th ed.

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Chapters 1-5 The American Pageant

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ADVANCED PLACEMENT US HISTORY UNIT 1 TERMS AND IDENTIFICATIONS 2011/12 ? Bering Land Bridge Glaciers lowered water level, exposed land bridge from Russia to Alaska. Asian hunters tracked game across it for 1,250 years Aztec, Inca, Maya Aztec- Mexico, large cities, astronomers, lots of sacrifices Incas- Peru Mayans- Central America Pueblos, Mound Builders, Mississippians, Anasazi Pueblos ? Small towns across America All had large settlements b/c of corn. Small, scattered Iroquois Made a military force Crusades People saw awesome stuff in Asia, people wanted cheaper way to get there than Mesopotamia, made Christopher Columbus go other way Europeans in Africa 1450 Portuguese get slaves and gold, 40,000 in 50 years Spain wanted to expand, had to go West

Ch. 5 Sec. 1-2 Greece and Iran 1000-30 BCE First and Last Sentence Notes

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Origin of Religions CHRISTIANITY -Jesus (Born 8-4 BC, died on cross 30 AD), belive he died for sins, raised from dead, & resurrection -R.C. believe in Pope, Baptism confirmation penance anointing the sick matrimony holy orders Eucharist -E. orthodox came out of pope & patriarchy of Constantinople , accept 7 sacraments but rejected RC doctrines since 8th century -protestantism reformation in 16th century, martin luther 95 theses grace achieved through faith not sacraments by church ISLAM -same background of Judaism & Christianity -trace story through Ishmael -Quran= holy book -Arabic is lingua franca in Muslim world -Shiites and Sunnis BUDDHISM -Founder= siddartha guatama ?awakened or enlightened one? -leaves life as prince and goes into deep meditation

Aegean and Greek Art

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AP Art History: Packet 2 Aegean Art: Reflection of life (carefree in the case of the Minoans, militaristic in the case of the Mycenaeans) exemplified in the subject matter and style of art ? Greek Art: Emphasis on self-knowledge and moderation (sophrosyne) as opposed to arrogant pride and excess (hubris) Concept of aesthetics (appreciation of beauty) based on mathematical proportions Concept of ?Man? as the ?measure of all things? Emphasis of balance between intellect and feeling (worship of both Apollo and Dionysos is applicable here) ? Vocabulary: Labyrinth ? ?labrys? means ?double ax? (recurring motif in the palace referring to sacrificial slaughter; intricate plan and scores of rooms of the Knossos palace


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