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Chapter 13

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Part A: Why do you want to join the TiE Young Entrepreneurs Program? What do you hope to achieve through the program? I have many reasons why I want to join the TiE Young Entrepreneurs Program. One reason I want to join the TiE Young Entrepreneurs Program is to learn how to put my business ideas into a well formatted plan, so it can be built to its maximum potential. By joining the program at a early stage, it will lead to a strong foundation to develop and think the necessary skills to become a successful entrepreneur. It will also give me a good opportunity to discuss business ideas with group members. I hope that directions and constructive ideas will be given in the class which will help me and my group members become successful entrepreneurs.

Steinberg v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Case Brief

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Copyright Case Brief 3 STEINBERG v. COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC. United States Federal Court, 1987 Legal History: The case was heard in the Southern District of New York in front of Judge Louis L. Stanton. The defendants, including Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., RCA Corporation, and several major newspapers, denied Steinberg's allegations of copyright infringement Facts: Saul Steinberg sued various parties involved with producing and promoting the 1984 movie "Moscow on the Hudson", claiming that a promotional poster for the movie infringed his copyright in a magazine cover he had created for The New Yorker. Legal Issues: Was The New Yorker?s drawing distinctively similar to that of Moscow On the Hudson?s? Holding:

U.S History Review Chapters 1-3

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Test #1 (Columbus- Revolutionary War) Europeans Come to the Americas/ Origins of the United States Middle Ages (500?s-1400?s): Feudalism Rigid class structure Serfs/ lower class feel hopeless Changes that come: Nations/states/funding Crusades= failed, led to a desire for reconnection with Asians Columbus ?discovers? America Why did Europeans come to the new world? They were looking for a faster way to Asia Could not find the northwest passage Stayed in the America?s for a good economy Mercantilism Nationalism Treatment of natives is very poor Ex. Cortex who conquered the Aztecs Weapons overpowered natives Disease killed many Lucky- the prophecy of the Aztecs led them to believe the whites were gods Trickery Can we condemn Cortes?

Chapter 10 outline

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German Rulers

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Ary Swaminathan German Rulers: Prussian Rulers: Frederick William (The Great Elector) Used military force and taxation to unify Rhine, Prussia, and Brandenburg. Weakened Junkers. Encouraged Prussian militarism. Created the best army in Europe and efficient bureaucracy. Frederick the Great 1740-1786 Protestant War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) expanded Prussia into a great power, seized Silesia. Religious freedom, promoted education, legal reform, and economic growth Allowed the Junker nobility to keep the middle-class from power. Repressed Jews. Did not help serfs. Otto von Bismarck Junker politician who wanted power. Became chief minister in 1862 Blood and Iron policy Real Politique Neutralized Russia and France

The Damaging Effects of Lies

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Ary Swaminathan Srta. Phillips Espa?ol 4 AP Septiembre 27, 2010 Esperanza para los j?venes Los j?venes de hoy tienen muchas opportunidades y muchos obst?culos que enfrentan.?Hay m?s libros y tecnolog?a para los j?venes a utilizar y aprender, pero el mundo en que crecen ellos es m?s dif?cil tambi?n.?Es importante que los j?venes alcanzen su m?ximo potencial y transmitan los valores y la sabidur?a a la siguiente generaci?n.


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