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?Hola! ?Buenos d?as! Estoy aqu? con Jennifer para hablar sus actividades diarias.?Hola Jennifer! ?C?mo est?s? ?Est?s listo? ?Hola Hibah! Muy bien gracias. S?, estoy listo. ?A qu? hora te levantas? ?Te gusta levantarse temprano? Me levanto a las seis. Yo cierro mi despertador y luego dormir hasta las seis y media. No me gusta levantarse temprano. ?Qu? haces para prepararse? Primero, me cepillo los dientes y arreglo mi pelo. Yo lavo la cara y pongo el maquillaje. Entonces me visto y desayuno. Antes de montar el coche, yo arreglo mi mochila amarilla. ?A qu? hora vas de su casa para ir a la escuela? Salgo mi casa a las siete y diez. gos. Espera.. no haces t? tarea? No. Tengo mucho tarea. Qu? interesante. . ?A d?nde


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- AP World History - Stearns Chapter 1 ? From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations I. Introduction A. Human origin ? 2.5 million years ago 1. 1/4000 of earth?s existence ? 24 hour day ? last 5 minutes B. Human negatives and positives 1. Aggressiveness, long baby time, back problems, death fears 2. Grip, high/regular sex drive, omnivores, facial expressions, speech C. Paleolithic (Old Stone) Age ? 2.5 million to 12000 BCE 1. Simple tools ? increase in size, brain capacity ? Homo erectus II. Late Paleolithic Developments A. Homo sapiens sapiens ? 120,000 years ago ? killed off others? a. Population growth required change ? 1 square mile to hunt/gather for 2 people i. Long breast feeding ? limit fertility


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Justin Kim Give credit and cite your sources Do not copy and paste Changing a word or two is still plagiarism Plagiarism is against the law Stealing an idea is also plagiarism Plagiarism will get you expelled from college Use quotation marks Plagiarism is using someone else?s words or ideas as your own and taking credit for it. If you copy and paste, your brain will go to waste. Article 1

AP Gov Ch1 Notes

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Urban food deserts

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By: Jadorah St. Leger What is an urban food desert? An urban food desert may sound, like something empty , but it actually isn?t. It is a urban area where there are many stores and accessible goods. But they lack healthy foods, such as vegetables and a supermarket in close radius. Urban food deserts can hurt us in many ways. One is that it interferes with our health. For example, instead of going way out of our neighborhood to get fresh greens, we rather stay in the neighborhood and eat at the nearest McDonalds. By that it can lead to many health problems such as obesity. The best choice for us is to start building more vegetable gardens. Even more fruit trees can be planted and more edible gardens can be put in place.

Chapter 10 outline

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Finding Slope

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Finding Slope: Use the equation: m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) (1,1) (3,7) m=(7-1)/(3-1) m=3 slope is 3
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