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Personal life

African American Themes

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Criticism of Christianity ??nations ideals vs. its practices ??slave owner Christianity vs. real Christianity Prophetic Tradition ??to speak truth to power ??this is what will happen to you if you don?t stop oppressing God?s people Jeremiad (written & oral) ??sermons of despair deploring the signs of waning faith ??prediction of calamity but gives element of hope ??named for biblical prophet Jeremiah (predicts the fall of the kingdom of Judah because they broke their covenant with the Lord) ??predicting the fall of an institution/nation based upon their wrong actions ??prolonged lamentation or complaint ??crisis = the norm in the Jeremiad Walker p.162-165 ??hypocritical vs. true Christianity (claims true Christianity for black people)

African American Midterm

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Text: Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral Author: Phillis Wheatley Genre: Poetry Year: 1773 Author?s Bio: Born in West Africa, brought to America. While enslaved, she was taught to read and write, and educated in the classics and Christianity. She was the first African American to publish a book. She traveled to England to publish the first book, and was very well-received. She was emancipated at age 20. She eventually married a free black man, but without the support of the Wheatley?s, she and her husband had little financial success and had descended into poverty by the end of Phillis? life. Context for work:

Latin American History Midterm

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LATIN AMERICAN CIVILIZATION MIDTERM 10/14 ATLANTIC PHASE 1450-1492 CARIBBEAN PHASE 1492-1519 CONQUEST PHASE 1519-1570 MATURE PHASE 1570-1750 BERNARDINO DE SABAGUN 15TH CENTURY TENOCHTITLAN (AZTEC REGION) Aztec Warfare (L2 #1) -Spanish Friar (through native informants) -ruler = lord, head of military -centralized monarchy with order -strategy of warfare/capturing leader -called upon majordomos, warriors, otomi, noblemen -?Lords of the Sun? ? priests took the lead -?slashed his breast open with a flint knife? (captives = tribute to Huitzilopochtli) BERNAL DIAZ DE CASTILLO EVE OF SPANISH CONQUEST TENOCHTITLAN (AZTEC REGION) Halls of Moctezuma (L2 #2) -Conquistador/Historian (eye witness) -how Aztecs viewed/approached Moctezuma

Biology report

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE WHAT IS A REVIEW OF LITERATURE? It is not a term paper The purpose of a review is to analyze and critique published works (from varied sources) on a topic Your goal is to define the topic, provide historical perspectives, and to describe the knowledge of the topic (all within the past 5 years) You will; summarize, classify, and compare sources In addition the purpose of the literature review may be the first step in the process of doing scientific research. HOW TO CHOOSE A TOPIC? The topic should relate to your project Be sure that the topic is not too narrow or too broad The first step is to pick a general topic and then to find a few articles on it Read them Your topic may change as you proceed HOW TO CHOOSE SOURCES? You need a minimum of 6 sources

Math Project Relfection

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Reflection Cryptography is a type of special writing used to decode and encode messages. It can impact our lives in many of different ways. All of our checking accounts, credit cards, and personal information of ours is encoded so it is hard for other people to hack into our accounts. Plus, it is used for security reasons like for the United States government and the military so that we can keep our country safe from terrorism.
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Biology Dietary

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48 Hour Dietary Tuesday, 26th August, 2014 Breakfast: 2 Butter Blended Croissants 5 almonds A half of cup of blueberries 16oz glass of 2% milk Lunch: Lean Pocket Mesquite BBQ Chicken Pretzel Bread Capri Sun Grape Juicebox 2 chocolate drizzle Rice Krispies 16oz of Salt and Vinegar Chips Snack: 1 cup of Tostitos Oven baked Scoops 1 cup of Medium Thick Chunky Salsa 8oz glass of 2% milk Dinner: Indian Spicy Okra and Onions with Tomatoes 1/2 cup plain yogurt 3 multigrain roti?s (Indian Bread) 1/4 cup of brown basmati rice Side of homemade salad contains: (lettuce, red onions, tomatoes, olives, pieces of garlic, regular croutons, and light Thousand Island Salad Dressing. ) Wednesday, 27 August, 2014 Breakfast: 1 Fiber One Oats and Chocolate Chewy Bar



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