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Personal life


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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life This chapter focuses on the chemistry of carbon and organic compounds. Students should be able to identify the nature of the bonds between carbon and other elements (nonpolar versus polar), the different types of weak bonds and interactions, the various types of isomers, the basic functional groups of organic molecules, and their relative solubility in water. The abiotic formation of organic molecules from inorganic molecules is important in the origin of life. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) The element present in all organic molecules is A) hydrogen. B) oxygen. C) carbon. D) nitrogen. E) phosphorus. Answer: C Topic: Concept 4.1 Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension


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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 3 Water and Life Life evolved in the ocean, and the chemistry of life occurs in an aqueous environment. These questions explore the properties of water that are important to sustain life?s chemical processes, organismal physiology, and interactions of organisms with their environment. Quantitative properties such as heat content, molarity, and pH are also addressed. A few questions address how human activities affect the global environment through acid rain and acidification of the ocean. Multiple-Choice Questions 1) In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by A) hydrogen bonds. B) nonpolar covalent bonds. C) polar covalent bonds. D) ionic bonds. E) van der Waals interactions.


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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 2 The Chemical Context of Life This chapter presents basic chemical principles for understanding the chemical context of living organisms, from atomic structure to the nature of chemical bonds and an introduction to chemical equilibrium. These questions focus on elements most important to life or the study of life, including the elements that comprise organic molecules and important trace elements. Some isotopes are important in geologic dating and in biological tracer studies. How elements participate in forming different types of chemical bonds is essential to mastering subsequent topics on the behavior and properties of biological molecules, structures, and energy metabolism. Multiple-Choice Questions


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Campbell's Biology, 9e (Reece et al.) Chapter 1 Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life 1) A localized group of organisms that belong to the same species is called a A) biosystem. B) community. C) population. D) ecosystem. E) family. Answer: C Topic: Concept 1.1 2) Organisms interact with their environments, exchanging matter and energy. For example, plant chloroplasts convert the energy of sunlight into A) the energy of motion. B) carbon dioxide and water. C) the potential energy of chemical bonds. D) oxygen. E) kinetic energy. Answer: C Topic: Concept 1.1 3) The main source of energy for producers in an ecosystem is A) light energy. B) kinetic energy. C) thermal energy. D) chemical energy. E) ATP. Answer: A Topic: Concept 1.1

AP Human Geography Chapter 6 Vocabulary

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Chapter 6 Vocabulary Religion 1. Animism ? Belief that objects, such as plants and stones, or natural events, like thunderstorms and earthquakes, have a discrete spirit and conscious life. 2. Autonomous religion ? A religion that does not have a central authority but shares ideas and cooperates informally. 3. Branch ? A large and fundamental division within a religion. 4. Cosmogony ? A set of religious beliefs concerning the origin of the universe. 5. Denomination ? A division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations into a single legal and administrative body. 6. Diocese ? The basic unit of geographic organization in the Roman Catholic Church.

Persuasive Essay

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Should electronic use be illegal while driving? By: Abigail Lazar As a new driver, I feel very strongly about no electronic device use while driving. I think that it is the biggest safety concern for drivers, passengers, and other people on the road. I believe that all electronic devices should be illegal while driving including hands-free devices.

atomic structure

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Atomic Structure Definitions ? Acceleration ? The stage of mass spectrometry during which the movement of the ions of the sample is speeded up using a series of negatively-charged plates. ? Atomic number ? The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element. Represented by the symbol Z. Also called the proton number. ? Deflection ? The stage of mass spectrometry during which the beam of ions is bent by a particular amount, depending on its mass-to-charge ratio. This is achieved using an electromagnet. ? Detection ? The stage of mass spectrometry during which the ions strike a collector plate, producing a mass spectrum for analysis. ? Diatomic ? A molecule consisting of two atoms. ? Electromagnet ? The part of a mass spectrometer responsible for the

Bio 1

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Bio Questions and Answers Biology and Learning Ch. 49.4 Questions When does the brain start forming? -At embryonic development What are some of the physiological processes involving the brain? (2) -gene expression -signal transduction What is the term called that is related to the changing abilities of the brain? -neuronal plasticity *Refer to page 1094 for description of figure Where does remodeling in the brain take place? -at synapses What are synapses? -junctions between neurons What does the term ?use it or lose it? (referring to the brain) mean? -When synapses are active the response at those synapses strengthens What is memory? -A physiological event occurring at synapses dependent on neuronal plasticity What are the two types of memory?


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