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Botkin and Keller Chapter 24 Reading Guide

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APES Chapter 24 Study Guide 1. What state is the Love Canal located? 2. Name the company that was responsible for dumping toxic and cancer-causing wastes into an old canal excavation called the Love Canal. 3. After Love Canal was abandoned, what was it sold and used for? 4. The Love Canal illustrates which of the following? ? that preventing pollution is safer and cheaper than cleaning it up ? that political officials are alert and sympathetic to their constituents ? that pollutants can be stored safely underground for a long time ? that polluting companies can escape from the costs and responsibility of their actions 5. The U.S. is about 5% of the world?s population and produces about what % of the world?s solid waste?

New Deal

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New Deal Fireside Chat #1 He announces a bank holiday to give the banks a chance to obtain the currency necessary for the situation The key elements of the bank holiday he has announced. Specific examples of how he explains the banking system. Examples of simple, yet powerful imagery and language that he employs. The overall effectiveness of the speech. Why they believe this speech would have been so effective in 1933. Tennessee Valley Authority Appalachian valley range is not developed ? hinders their growth FDR passes the TVA to modernize Appalachia Creates electricity, creates jobs, dams up rivers Government pumps money into that region Civilian Conservation Corp 18-25 year old men were shipped out into rural areas

Crash Course 15

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #15 TOPIC/TITLE: The Crusades- Pilgrimage or Holy War? NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *The Christian pilgrimage was great for the Islamic economy. *The first crusade was called by Pope Urban II. b) In the middle *Most of the Crusaders were poor people. *Jerusalem and Antioch were taken over to become Latin Christian kingdoms. c) In the last 3-4 minutes *The fourth crusade doomed the Byzantine empire *Constantinople was conquered by the Turks in 1453

Crash Course 7

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #7 TOPIC/TITLE: The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius NAME: Casey Murphy PERIOD: 2W LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes *China had the first centralized government *Lasted in the same form from 150 B.C.E. ? 1911 C.E. b) In the middle *Confucius was a minor official who lived during the Warring States Period *Most important relationship is between father and son c) In the last 3-4 minutes *Junzi is the superior man that all other men try to become *To maintain the mandate of heaven the emperor had to behave properly

Crash Course 4

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CRASH COURSE HISTORY RESPONSE FORM #___W2_______ TOPIC/TITLE: Ancient Egypt NAME: Casey Murphy LIST TWO NEW FACTS YOU LEARNED: a) In the first 3-4 minutes * Lasted from 3000 B.C.E. to 32 B.C.E., which is unusually long. *The Nile River flooded at exactly the right time every year, which made planting seeds in the very easy because it was so soft and the ground was very fertile. b) In the middle * 3 Kingdoms: The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and The New Kingdom * Pyramids were and other monuments were built for kings. c) In the last 3-4 minutes *2 Forms of writing: Hieroglyphics and Demotic Script * King Tut was about 17 when he died and could have died from an infected broken leg and or malaria.

Bantu Migrations

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WHY DO PEOPLE MIGRATE? Push Factors Why people want to leave a place. Their lives might be in danger (war, famine) There may be limited economic opportunity Family members may have died or moved Pull Factors Why people are attracted to a new place. The new place might be more secure There may be more available jobs Relatives or friends may be there already REASONS FOR THE BANTU MIGRATION The reasons for the migration of the Bantu are not known but most likely included the following: Drought and famine: The Bantu moved to escape famine, which was a result of overcrowding and drought. The climate in their cradle land had become unreliable/unpredictable.

hiroshima ap paragraph

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While the bombing of Hiroshima affected Japanese people as a whole, it also allowed Americans to take action. Within 4 days after the catastrophe, the Japanese surrendered and ended a terrible war. The U.S. responded the same way and accepted the surrender. The Japanese were not very efficient with their efforts to recover. Unlike the Japanese, the U.S. went to Hiroshima to establish an occupant government. It helped victims of the bombing to recover and rebuild what they had lost. After the time of recovery and rebuilding was done in Hiroshima, the U.S. established a way for victims of the bombing to get medical care free of charge. The Japanese did not establish much besides small coverage for medical care. Both Japan and the U.S.

Protist Notes

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Protist Notes Protists Protists belong to the Kingdom Protista, which includes mostly unicellular organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms. Characteristics of Protists mostly unicellular, some are multicellular (algae) can be heterotrophic or autotrophic most live in water (though some live in moist soil or even the human body) ALL are eukaryotic (have a nucleus) A protist is any organism that is not a plant, animal or fungus Protista?= the very first Classification of Protists how they obtain nutrition how they move Animallike Protists - also called protozoa (means "first animal") - heterotrophs Plantlike Protists - also called algae - autotrophs Funguslike Protists - heterotrophs, decomposers, external digestion .Animallike Protists: Protozoans

Lab safety

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Laboratory Safety Chemistry is a laboratory science. As part of your laboratory experience you will be required to handle many chemical substances, some of which may pose a health risk. It is your responsibility to always follow the proper procedures and guidelines for handling these chemicals You and your parents must agree to and sign the safety contract in order to participate in lab activities. Failure to comply with safety guidelines may result in your removal from the class and loss of credit for the work that is done in your absence. Conduct in the Chemistry Lab Food and drink are strictly prohibited in the laboratory. When first entering the room, do not touch any chemicals or equipment until you are instructed to do so.

Freedom Versus Safety Essay

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Chris Manguno January 16, 2014 1st Period AP English III Because the world has become a dangerous place, many people chose to give up some freedoms for safety, since in most people?s minds; safety is much more valuable than freedom. This state of mind would have been laughed at in the past, but today, with the media, government, and constant control laws, many people are highly skeptical and would rather have less freedom in exchange for some more safety. Even though many people would trade some freedom for some safety, I do not think that anyone would fully trade away all of their freedom just to become a slave of safety.


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