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John Adams

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 11 notes

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I. Federalist and Republican Mudslingers Hamilton wrote a pamphlet against Adams- JDR?s published it- angered by Adams not going to war with the French ? Preparations were already set for war by the Federalists In response Federalists attacked Jefferson- talking about robbery and intimate relations with slaves- which was true II. The Jeffersonian ?Revolution of 1800? Jefferson won by a majority of 73 to 65- NY was the deciding state 3/5 compromise was helpful for Jefferson

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 10 notes

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I. Growing Pains First census of 1790 recorded 4 million people Philadelphia was the largest city Population was 90% rural Trans-Appalachian overflow was concentrated in Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio II. Washington for President G. Wash was unanimously drafted President- he was a big man- had smallpox He wasn?t a great politician but a man of character On his way to NYC (temporary capital), there were ceremonies and parades He established a cabinet : SECRETARY OF STATE-THOMAS JEFFERSON, of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and of War Henry Know III. The Bill of Rights

american pagent ch 9&10 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 10-12-13 Ch 9&10 vocab APUSH Chapter 9: Exodus: A mass departure of people Primogeniture: An inheritance law in which all property if given to the eldest son. Society of Cincinnati: Formed by a group of continental army soldiers in 1783. Social status was emphasized. Quakers: Founded the world?s first antislavery society in 1775 in Philadelphia. ?Civic Virtue?: The notion that democracy depended on the unselfish commitment of each citizen to the public good. ?Republican Motherhood?: Stemmed from ?civic virtue?. It elevated woman to a newly prestigious role as the special keepers of the nation?s conscience because they were entrusted to cultivate virtuous habits and serve as role models.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 8

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Tindall Ch 8 Outline The Federalist Era A New Nation Population in 1790 was around 4 million. South was agricultural, still had slaves and exported tobacco and cotton. First National census in 1790 showed 750,000 African Americans, with over 90 percent in the South. Indians continued to provide trouble and refuse to acknowledge American authority. Many people would start migrating west because of population growth, cheap land, and new opportunities. White population doubled every 22 years. George Washington was elected president 69-34 in 1789. Created the cabinet, the president?s advisors. John Jay was the first Supreme Court justice, who stayed there until 1795. Created a Bill of Rights to go along with the Constitution in 1789.

APUSH chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Launching the New Ship of State (1789 CE ? 1800 CE) Tensions in America grew higher every day as political parties emerged, the French Revolution ran its course, and American-French disagreements reached an all-time high. Growing Pains America, though rapidly growing population wise, was having a hard time getting a functioning government up and running while the rest of the world was waiting to see if they could do just that. The Americans had already set up one government then replaced it with a new They were in major debt 90% of the people still lived in rural areas Washington for President George Washington won the unanimous vote of the Electoral College in 1789 and soon set up important positions in office such as the heads of state.

APUSH VOCAB ch. 9 & 10 American Pageant 13th ed.

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APUSH Study Guides Ch. 9 Terms: Civic virtue: cultivation of habits/ personal living that are claimed to be important for he success of the community Empress of China: first vessel to go directly to China and trade successfully for tea, defying the British East India Company?s trade monopoly Articles of Confederation: the nation?s first constitution, taken in by the second continental congress during the revolution; states possessed most power and congress had little control on taxes, trade or coinage Western land problem: difficulty with deciding the purpose for the land and how to split it up among the colonies; conflicting disagreements that required troops to be brought in to restore peace

US History: A Survey

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Hayes 6/9/13 8:01 PM PowerPoint notes: Federalists Stronger central government Complex commercial economy Maintain commercial relationship with Great Britain Not as supportive to French Revolution and Reign of Terror Emphasis on elites Loose Constructionists Loose, generous interpretation of Constitution Washington (Federalist) Foreign Relations France VS Great Britain Where should US side? Chose to remain neutral The Citizen Genet Affair Tried to get sailors to build ships for France Met with Washington, who tried to embarrass the French with this affair Republican ppl supported French over Great Britain Washington did this because he wanted to get negative feelings toward Republican Party

John Adams Presidency Description

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John Adams Presidency Description When George Washington receded from the Presidency, he left a huge role to fill in. Through a steady support in New England, John Adams narrowly defeated Jefferson in 1796 and became the next President of the United States of America. Adams is best known for keeping the peace while in office and continuing the American policy of neutrality started by his predecessor, George Washington. This was important for the still young Nation and Adams?s handling of foreign and domestic affairs changed history forever.

Causes of the American Revolution


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