APUSH American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 4 Outline (DETAILED)
Name Teacher AP U.S. History 10 September, 2013 Chapter 4 American Life in the Seventeenth Century The Unhealthy Chesapeake Life of Americans living in the Wilderness Life was hard, short, and very unforgiving for the earliest of settlers in the Chesapeake. There were many diseases like malaria, dysentery, and typhoid that the settlers encountered. The diseases and harsh life shortened life expectancy of the settlers by as much as 10 years for newcomers from England. There was slow population growth during the 1600s in the Chesapeake. Most immigrants were young males from England. Many of them died after arrival from England. There were very few women, and most men could not find mates. There were very few families. The Colony endures its struggle.