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American Civil War

Enduring Vision 8E Chapter 16 outline

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Chapter 16: Reconstruction and Resistance, 1865-1877 Chapter Lead-in: Katie Rowe, former slave, informed of emancipation, June 4, 1865, near Washington, Arkansas ? plantation owner Dr. Isaac Jones Emancipation in June 1865 was era of transition for former slaves ? Rowe?s plantation was split into fields and they were assigned where to work, but charged large portion of crops, food, use of mules ? plantation was sold and Rowe with mother left to Little Rock to work Rowe marries Cherokee Billy Rowe and moved to OK End of war was time of uncharted possibilities and unresolved conflicts ? former slaves exulted, ex-Confederates were grim and many moved ? the union had wanted to reunite the nation so there were questions that are not normal as result of the war

Enduring Vision 8E Chapter 15 outline

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Chapter 15?Crucible of Freedom: Civil War, 1861-1865 Leaders (Union vs. Confedracy) but When Where? Results Other 1st Bull Run (first Manassas) Pg 439 Irwin McDowell vs. P.G.T. Beauregard July 1861 Manassas junction, Virginia South won Union replaced McDowell w/ McClellan Shiloh Grant/Sherman vs. Johnston/Beauregard April 1862 Mississippi North won 2nd Bull Run Pope vs. Lee/Jackson August 1862 Virginia South won South crossed Potomac, invade MD Antietam McClellan vs. Lee Sept. 1862 Maryland North won Caused Emancipation Proc, McClellan fired for Burnside Fredericksburg Burnside vs. Lee Dec. 1862 Virginia south won North initially won, but poor leadership led to huge casualties awarding win to South Chancellorsville

Enduring Vision 8E Chapter 14 outline

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Ch. 14: From Compromise to Secession, 1850-1861, pg 401-429 Chapter Lead-In, pg 401 Edmund Ruffin ? southerner champion of succession, noted agriculturalist, hated Yankees and the north, committed suicide February 1861-led by South Carolina seven states than the lower south had already seceded April 1861 ? Ft Sumter, Charleston Bay South Carolina Mid 1850s ?formation of a purely northern republican party ? dedicated to stopping the extension of slavery October 1859 ?john brown ?abolitionist, lead people to seize a Federal arsenal and harpers ferry, Virginia in hopes of igniting a slave insurrection ? failure THE COMPROMISE OF 1850, pg 402 Mexican ? American war victory ended with 15 each free and slave states however the acquired territory threatened to upset that balance

Civil Rights Movement

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U.S History Notes on PowerPoint. The Civil Rights Movememt: Rascism in the South resulted in fewer freedoms for the African- Americans; The movement was formed by people who wanted to fight for the rights they were entitled to;

Free/Slave States

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Name Class Date Free and Slave States Following the Missouri Compromise in 1820, states were admitted to the Union as either free states or slave-holding states. As new states joined the union, there was a national debate over whether these states should be free states or slave states. The Compromise of 1850 was passed to determine how the issue of slavery would apply to land gained following the Mexican War. MAP ACTIVITY 1. On the map, label the state of Texas. 2. Label the state of California. 3. Use a light color to shade the areas where the issue of slavery was decided by pop- ular sovereignty. 4. Use a bright color to shade the slave territories south of the Missouri Compromise line. ANALYZING MAPS 1. Place Which territory is directly north of Texas?

Causes of the Civil War Notes

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After the war 1/27/15 12:56 PM Constitutional discord Slavery Territory/ expansion State?s rights North vs south culture Slavery vs abolitionism power population industry in the north out performs the south the south thought that they were more needed than they were the British had been stockpiling cotton for years so that if war broke out they would not have to get involved causes of the civil war 1/27/15 12:56 PM the souths biggest fear of a republican nominated government actually happened, so the north was in control the democratic party was completely wiped out the copperheads are calling for an end to the war the turning point was the combination of Gettysburg and Vicksburg Lincoln didn?t free all the slaves, he just freed those held in confederate territory

Chapter 21 Test

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Chapter 21 Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions. 28. At the beginning of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln favored a. postponing military action as long as possible. b. ending slavery. c. long-term enlistments for Union soldiers. d. quick military action to show the folly of secession. e. seizing control of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. 29. Lincoln hoped that a Union victory at Bull Run would a. lead to the capture of the Confederate capital at Richmond. b. bring an end to slavery. c. destroy the economy of the South. d. pull the Border states out of the Confederacy. e. all of the above. 30. Arrange the following in chronological order: (A) the Battle of Bull Run,

Joseph Ellis' "The Silence" Presis

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?The Silence? Questions By Joseph J. Ellis Taken From Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation THESIS OF THE ARTICLE: In the early years of the country, the government remained silent over the slavery question. But then on February 11, 1790, two Quaker delegates stormed Congress with a petition to end the African slave trade. The antislavery North used republican values to support their view, while the proslavery South looked to the Constitution and the Bible to protect its establishment. And thus the congressional debate over slavery began, and quickly ended in an effort to avoid friction in the Union. SALIENT POINTS OF READING INTEREST:

America's Past and Present Chapter 14 Summary

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????????????Small sectional cracks became nationally dividing crevices by the 1850s. The North and South?s clashes over allowing slavery in the territories threatened the nation?s unity. Many attempts to quell sectional aggression arose, including the Compromise of 1850. However, every attempt proved to be of no use and the nation continued to spiral into what seemed to be an eternal sectional rift, with no chance of escaping.


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