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Cpt 2 summary WHAP

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Work harder for unhealthy food or work easier for much more nutritional food? That?s a simple question, but it wasn?t at the time because the people back then didn?t know of the dangers. On page 16, farming was described as ?the worst mistake in the history of hem human race.? In addition to getting more free time and the same amount of foods as farmers, hunters-gatherers had more nutritional foods and didn?t suffer from malnutrition and other diseases, like the farmers. Farmers also had damaged bones from all the work and the average height of people in farming areas decreased in comparison with hunter-gathering areas. Even though there were so many disadvantages, people still gradually went into the farming lifestyle. Why? Because they did not have this knowledge.


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CHAPTER 12?FOOD, SOIL, AND PEST MANAGEMENT MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The human population continues rapid growth. Each day, how many more people must be fed? a. 50,000 b. 76,000 c. 121,000 d. 224,000 e. 353,000 2. In Australia and New Zealand about one-third of all cultivated land is used to raise organic crops and beef. In the United States what percentage of our crop land grows organic foods? a. 0.6% b. 1.5% c. 4% d. 11% e. 18% 3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of organic agriculture? a. emphasizes use of animal manure and compost as fertilizer b. employs crop rotation and biological pest control c. uses genetically modified seeds d. is regionally and locally oriented e.

Chapter 11 Notes

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Chapter 11 Notes Trini Soza Feeding the World ? A farm where animals do most of the work. Rapidly growing population needs rapidly produced food. Human nutritional requirements are not always satisfied Humans used to survive on hunting and gathering, but 10,000 years ago agriculture began. Advances in agriculture have improved the human diet Tremendous gains in agriculture productivity and food distribution were in the 20th century. Despite advances, to this day, 24,000 people starve to death each day. 8.8 million each year. Nutritional Requirements Undernutrition: Not consuming enough calories to be healthy Food calories are converted into usable energy for the human body. Not receiving enough calories leads to an energy deficit

edible history2

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? An Edible History of Humanity Chapter 1 ? Modern Maize and cereals evolved?from ancient plants withvery different characteristics by proto-farmers planting seedsfrom plants with desirable traits. ? Such mutations made them more practical as?foodstuffs butunable to survive in the wild. Chapter 2 ? Proto-farmers actually worked much harder than hunter-gatherers got provide enough food, and many even sufferedfrom malnutrition. ? The average height also fell?in farming communities. ? However, to the proto-farmers, the slow?shift from huntingand gathering to agriculture seemed?logical. ? Hunter-gatherers had been planting small crops incertain frequented areas to ensure sufficient supply. ?

edible history

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? An Edible History of Humanity Chapter 1 ? Modern Maize and cereals evolved?from ancient plants withvery different characteristics by proto-farmers planting seedsfrom plants with desirable traits. ? Such mutations made them more practical as?foodstuffs butunable to survive in the wild. Chapter 2 ? Proto-farmers actually worked much harder than hunter-gatherers got provide enough food, and many even sufferedfrom malnutrition. ? The average height also fell?in farming communities. ? However, to the proto-farmers, the slow?shift from huntingand gathering to agriculture seemed?logical. ? Hunter-gatherers had been planting small crops incertain frequented areas to ensure sufficient supply. ?
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