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Age of Enlightenment

Chapter 17 APWH

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Chapter 17 The Transformation of the West I. Introduction A. 1450-1750 dramatic changes 1. Still agricultural 2. Commercially active 3. Manufacturing base 4. Science at center of society 5. Shifting ideas of family/nature 6. Increased bureaucratization ? sound familiar? B. Reasons for change 1. Dominance of international trade 2. Overseas expansion 3. Combination of commerce, state, culture, and technology 4. 1450-1650 ? series of cultural shifts 5. 1650-1750 ? Scientific Revolution > Enlightenment II. The First Big Changes: Culture and Commerce A. The Italian Renaissance 1. Artistic movement 2. Challenged medieval values/styles a. Examine old truths 3. Why in Italy? a. Urban, commercial economy

American Pageant 13E Chapter 8 Study Guide

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Student Study Guide for the American Pageant Chapter 8 America Secedes from the Empire? seq NL1 \r 0 \h chapter summary Even after Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress did not at first pursue independence. The Congress?s most important action was selecting George Washington as military commander.

Great Awakening vs Enlightenment

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Christina Xu Jenny Zhi The Great Awakening vs. Enlightenment The Great Awakening Brought spirit of religious fervor to colonies along with the belief that everyone has the potential to break away from his/her past and start a future with God Important figures John and Charles Wesley- founders of Methodism, traveled to Georgia and other colonies in 1730?s to preach George Whitfield- promoted religious revivalism, sparked beginning of Great Awakening Jonathon Edwards- preached Puritan ideas, attacked easy salvation Enlightenment Belief that reason, not just faith, creates progress in advanced knowledge. People didn?t always have to turn to God with their problems, could use moral sense. Important figures


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Chapter 6 Securing Independence, Defining Nationhood 1776-1788 Introduction 1.) What were the different conflicts contained within the American Revolution? 2.) How did the Revolution affect relationships among Americans of different classes, races, and genders? 3.) How did the state constitutions and Articles of Confederation reflect older political ideas? Introduction (cont.) 4.) How did the Constitution?s proponents address Americans? concerns about concentrated political power? The Prospects of War Introduction The Revolution was a war of the American people against the British and a civil war between American supporters of independence and Americans who were opposed to breaking with the mother country ?Loyalists and Other British Sympathizers


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Chapter 6: Securing Independence, Defining Nationhood, 1776-88 The Prospects of War The Revolution gave white northerners and southerners their first real chance to learn what they had in common, and they soon developed mutual admiration. In July 1776, the thirteen colonies had declared independence out of desperation and joined together in a loosely knit confederation of states. Only as a result of collective hardships experienced during eight years of terrible fighting did the inhabitants cease to see themselves only as military allies and begin to accept one another as fellow citizens. Americans remained divided over some basic political questions relating to the distribution of power and authority. Loyalists and Other British Sympathizers

Chapter 8

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Second Continental Congress Met in the hopes that fighting would allow for the addressing of their grievances. George Washington The leader of the American army, selected by the Congress for political reasons Ticonderoga and Crown Point A store of gunpowder and artillery secured by the Americans Bunker (Breed?s) Hill A hill taken by Americans, defended mercilessly, abandoned without gunpowder Olive Branch Petition A petition adopted by America, pleading for peace and professing Crown loyalty Thomas Paine A writer who called the freedom of America from England ?common sense.? Republicanism A society where power flows from the people, not a despotic monarch Richard Henry Lee A delegate at the Philadelphia Congress who pushed for independence Thomas Jefferson

Chapter 4 Outline: American Government 9th Ed., Wilson&Dilulio

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Samuel Choi CHAPTER 4 OUTLINE: American Political Culture Introduction Complete dependence on a constitution(even the American Constitution) does not guarantee the survival of the government nor protection of liberties. The U.S. Constitution has been copied by many other nations. Examples include Argentina, Philippines, and Brazil. In nearly every instance, the constitution lasted a short time. Democratic rule lasts short time, and then is interrupted by events such as military takeover and corruption. Such a pattern was noticed by Alexis Tocqueville. Tocqueville found several reasons for the sole survival of the American Constitution The U.S. was more suited for such a Constitution.

Thomas Essay Analysis Essay

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Chris Manguno AP English III April 2, 2014 1st Period American?society today is quite different from the time when the republic was established.??Thomas Paine wrote about the characteristics of American society around when the constitution was signed.??He declared it a place where arguments should have been crazy, but, instead, ?cordial unison? was present.??Today, many individuals still consider America united; sadly naivety guides this presumption.??He also wrote about how a government based on the ?rights of man? made that unison possible; the reference to the ?rights of man? should be better known as Natural Law. The general government applies Natural Law to their practices in very few cases, anymore.

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 8 notes

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The Second Contential Congress meet in Philadelphia. The Congress selected Washington to lead the Colonial army. Bunker Hill was one of the first losses for the colonists. The Congress adopted the Olive Branch Petition and the King ignored it. Thomas Paine published Common Sense and it brought up points influential in American independence. Paine believed in a republic over a monarchy. 1. What drove the Congress in choosing Geroge Washington to lead? 2. Why was Bunker Hill influential? What happened? What was the Olive Branch Petition?

APWH Chaper 28 notes

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Chapter?28: Revolutions and National States in the Atlantic World Chapter Outline Popular sovereignty and political upheaval Enlightened and revolutionary ideas Popular sovereignty: relocating sovereignty in the people Traditionally monarchs claimed a "divine right" to rule The Enlightenment challenged this right, made the monarch responsible to the people John Locke's theory of contractual government: authority comes from the consent of the governed Freedom and equality: important values of the Enlightenment Demands for freedom of worship and freedom of expression Demands for political and legal equality (a) Condemned legal and social privileges of aristocrats (b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau,?The Social Contract


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