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Age of Enlightenment

chapter 29

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Chapter 29 Background: Marie Gouze-French journalist, actress, and playright under name Olympe de Gouges, helped womens rights and rights were guaranteed in the Declaration of the rights of man and the Citizen. Gouges campaigned for education and equal rights and appealed to queen marie Antoinette to use her influence for women?s rights. Gouze illustrates Enlightenment ideals even though she was executed. -Revolution breaks out first in British colonies of North America, then in France, Latin America Enlightenment ideals: to try to build a government based on the people, not rulers -republican government with representatives -done by a group of white men but they invited new groups as well to join -encouraged consolidation of states as forms of government

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 4

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Tindall Ch 4 outline The Imperial Perspective English Administration of the colonies English colonies had some degree of self-governance, so they had a sense of more rights. English civil war from 1642-1646 also gave the colonies a break from royal control. In 1651-1663, three Navigation Acts were passed, restricting the colonies? trade to just England. The Lords of Trade was established in 1675 to enforce the Navigation Act. Edward Randolph tried to enforce the Navigation Act in Massachusetts. Massachusetts declared the Navigation Act invalid in 1678 and therefore the charter of Massachusetts was canceled by the Lords of Trade in 1684 and became a royal colony. Charles II dies in 1685. His brother James II takes over as the first Catholic ruler since 1558.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 6

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Tindall Ch6 Outline The American Revolution 1776: Washington?s Narrow Escape British landed in Staten island on 7/2/1776 with 32,000 men, compared to Washingtons? force of 19,000 defenders. When morale became low, Thomas Paine wrote The American Crisis to boost morale. On Christmas Washington routed a garrison of 1,500 Hessians at Trenton and repelled the redcoats at Princeton three weeks later. Washington realized the only way to win was to pick at the British slowly but surely. American Society at War Many colonists were divided because of the war, Loyalists were treated very harshly. The British were also unable to use Loyalists effectively to their advantage. American militiamen tended to ambush or fight hand-to-hand, not flat out battles.

Industrial Rev

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Unit 2a Review: Forces of Change ? Industrialization (HONORS) What are the four ?forces of change? identified in class? Industrialization c. Communications Nationalism d. Democracy Define: Industrial Economy Change in technology to help expand resources. Shift to manufacturing factories What are several characteristics of an industrial economy? (at least 5) Competition, Change in environment, communications, more resources, cities, machines, labor Examples of an industrial economy? China, Great Britain, India Non-examples? Iraq, Mexico, Parts of Africa The 7 ingredients needed for a country to industrialize (can you name the 8th?): ? 1. Capital (money) 2. Raw materials 3. Markets 4. Power source 5. Transportation 6. Labor 7. Technology 8. Stable gov?t ?

chapt 8

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CHAPTER 8: AMERICA SECEDES FROM THE EMPIRE: 1775?1783 Congress Drafts George Washington Know: Second Continental Congress, George Washington 41. Why was George Washington chosen as general of the American army? Bunker Hill and Hessian Hirelings Know: Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, Fort Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Redcoats, Olive Branch Petition, Hessians 42. George III "slammed the door on all hope of reconciliation." How and why? The Abortive Conquest of Canada Know: Richard Montgomery 43. Did the fighting go well for Americans before July of 1776? Explain. Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense 44. Why was Common Sense important? Paine and the Idea of "Republicanism" Know: Republic, Natural Aristocracy 45. Why did Paine want a democratic republic?


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2.03 Questions Thomas?Paine?states that the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will shrink from the service of his country during crisis. 2. Thomas Paine believes that those who do not shrink from service deserve the love and thanks of man and woman. 3. To both tax and bind America in everything that America tries to do. 4. The person whose heart is firm will pursue his principles. 5. Thomas Paine believes that offensive war is murder. 6. When he refers to the summer soldier he is saying that these soldiers only want to be part of the war during happy times. 7. He uses this story to show how some of the colonists tried to avoid the war in any way.

ap european history

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1450 Invention of printing press (Gutenberg) => Renaissance 1492 Age of Discovery, Columbus lands in Americas, Inquisition 1517 Luther's 95 Theses => Protestant Reformation, Schmalkadic Wars 1555 Peace of Augsburg - German princes choose either Catholic or Lutheran 1588 Spanish Armada - Spain attacked England, England won under Phillip II 1603 Death of Elizabeth I 1618-48 30 Years' War - Catholics vs. Protestants, France won, included all but Britain 1648 Treaty of Westphalia - Ended 30 and 80 Years' Wars, Catholics Lutherans and now Calvinists all equal 1633 Scientific Revolution - Galileo and heliocentric, Kepler and eliptical orbts, Bacon and scientific method 1688-89

U.S. history powerpoint

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The Early Republic1789-1815 Derek Arkind, Destiny-Ann Duncan, Ashley Hudnall, Uriah Sparks, Hailey Steuer Washington, Hamilton, and the shaping of the National Government April 30th, 1789: Washington is sworn in as the first President of the United States 1794: Washington sent John Jay to England to negotiate a treaty to ease growing tensions Abigail Adams was appointed by the Massachusetts Colony General Court in 1775 Emergence of political parties: Federalists and Republicans The Federalists emerged in the 1790s as a coalition of individuals who supported a strong national government, diplomatic ties with Great Britain, and the political leadership of men of property and experience.

Han and Rome DBQ

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? Graded Assignment HST560A: AP World History | Unit 3 | Lesson 2: DBQ: Attitudes Toward Technology Name: Rachel Nemeth Date: 05/07/2013 Graded Assignment Document-Based Question: Attitudes Toward Technology Complete and submit this assignment by the due date to receive full credit. (45 points) To complete this Graded Assignment, retrieve the 2007 DBQ on Han and Roman Empire attitudes toward technology. Use this document with its essay instructions and the DBQ Checklist to complete this DBQ essay. Consult the rubric throughout the process. Using the documents, analyze Han and Roman attitudes toward technology. Identify one additional type of document and explain briefly how it would help your analysis. Essay:

American Revolution

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By the late eighteenth century, Americans enjoyed more liberties than most people in the world, and they paid lower taxes than the subjects of any other European state. Even as they declared their allegiance to the British monarch, they tarred and feathered his royal officials; though they professed loyalty to the rule of English law, they boycotted imports, defied taxes, and burned ships that docked in their ports.83 They came together from very disparate regions and societies because they found common ground in their grievances, their concerns about tyranny, and their notions of self-determination. They were defiant protestors but reluctant revolutionaries; in the beginning, the Americans sought reconciliation with their sovereign along with recognition of their rights.


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