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Age of Enlightenment

chp 1 outline

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CHAPTERS 1-4 Native American Tribes - Came from Eurasia across Bering Sea during Ice Age - Hunter-gatherers, but agriculture was important - Faced threats of disease from Columbian Exchange (smallpox, measles) Mayas Toltecs Aztecs Algonquin -very advanced cities -government bureaucracies -solar calendar -very advanced cities -government bureaucracies -aggressive and warlike -center Tenochtitlan was symbol of unity -diverse, yet similar values to other tribes Norse/Viking Discoveries (10th Century) - Eric the Red discovers Greenland - Leif Ericson founded Vinland in Newfoundland - Failed because of hostility with natives, poor communication, political turmoil What sparked the European desire for discovery? - 15th century Renaissance (printing press!)

Causes of the American Revolution

The Crisis No. 1 Rhetorical Analysis

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Erica Gonzales Mrs. Wilhite English 10 Pre-AP 3 March 2012 To Fight or Not to Fight: America?s Choice The Crisis is a collection is a collection of essays written during the American Revolutionary War by Thomas Paine. The first essay of The Crisis addresses the crisis the Americans were facing during that time. In ?The Crisis No. 1?, Paine motivates Americans to stand up and help America gain independence from Britain by employing words of encouragement and assurance that the fight will be worth their freedom and by insisting that the British king?s tyranny will cause them to suffer if they do not attempt to help defend their nation.

Western Experience Ch. 19 Problems for Analysis

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Some Key terms near the Age of Enlightenment

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Papacy- The central government of Latin Christianity Renaissance- cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century Indulgences- A forgiveness of one?s sins by paying a fee Protestant Reformation- a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church. Martin Luther- a German priest and professor of theology who initiated the Protestant Reformation Catholic Reformation- the church's attempts at reform in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Jesuits- The society of Jesus Royal Centralization- A government based on royalty ruling Holy Roman Empire- A loose federation of Germanic states and principalities. Habsburgs- A powerful family in Austria

Philosophes of the Enlightenment

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Diderot (1713-1784) Attempts to form first Encyclopedia First attempt to do so by anyone Completed encyclopedia Encyclopedia, or a systematic dictionary of the sciences, arts, and crafts Had over 70,000 articles Montesquieu (1689-1755) French Aristocrat Opposed Absolutism Admired the British Gov. Admired the Middle Ages Saw need for organized religion Government according to climate Closer to Equator, the worse the government gets Separation of Powers Executive, Legislative, Judicial Colonists Take To It Freedom from Tyranny Voltaire (1694-1778) Biting Sarcastic Enduring Wit Most Popular of all Philosophes Easy to Read Willing to be critical of state Thrown in Prison Time in Prison influenced writing Loved Louis XIV for being champion of the Arts Enemy of Intolerance


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