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world history review 2

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AP World History Questions 1450-1750 ?Sir, many of our people, keenly desirous of the wares and things of your Kingdom, which are brought here by your people, and in order to satisfy their voracious appetite, seize many of our people, freed and exempt men, and they kidnap even nobles and the sons of nobles, and our relatives, and take them to be sold to the Whites who are in our Kingdoms.? The quotation above comes from a 1526 letter to a European monarch from a king located: a) on the eastern coast of Africa b) on the western coast of Africa c) on the Pacific coast of Central America d) on the Pacific coast of South America e) in the Pacific Islands Answer: B The economies of the southern colonies of colonial British America developed most like colonial economies in:

World history review unit 3

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Unit III (1450-1750) PRACTICE TEST QUESTIONS The chart above shows that: A. Silver tended to ?flow? from Asia to Western Europe. B. Silver exports from Japan exceeded those of the New World. C. Silver production in the New World decreased from the 16th to the 18th century. D. China was the final destination for much of the silver produced from the 16th to the 18th century. E. Manila was the world?s leading consumer of silver bullion. D 2. Which reason did not contribute to the Netherlands becoming an economic success in the 1600s? a. rational economic behavior brought about by Calvinism. b. the development of more efficient merchant ships. c. conveniently located deposits of iron. d. immigration of Spanish dominion refugees. e. government policies that promoted trade. C


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Masters and Slaves In the South during the first half of the 19th century, an elite group of whites dominated the society and made profits on the labor of black slaves The Divided Society of the Old South Slavery?s existence in the old South rested upon inequality People living within the realm of a slave-based economy were granted status according to class and caste A diverse spectrum existed between planters and field hands The World of Southern Blacks Slaves, struggling against tremendous odds, managed to create a full, rich culture Slaves created a community that made psychic survival possible Slaves? Daily Life and Labor 90% of South?s 4 million slaves worked on plantations with the rest working in industry or in cities

APWH Chaper 30 notes

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Chapter?30: The Americas in the Age of Independence Chapter Outline The building of American states The United States: westward expansion and civil war By 1820s all adult white men could vote and hold office Rapid westward expansion after the revolution Britain ceded all lands east of theMississippi River?to United States after the revolution 1803, United States purchased France's Louisiana Territory, west to the Rocky Mountains By 1840s, coast-to-coast expansion was claimed as the manifest destiny of the United States Conflict with indigenous peoples followed westward expansion 1830, Indian Removal Act forced eastern natives to move west of the Mississippi Thousands died on the "Trail of Tears" to Oklahoma Stiff resistance to expansion: Battle ofLittle Big Horn, 1876, Sioux victory

american pagent ch 15&16 vocab

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Diana Chetnik 11-18-13 Vocab ch 15, 16, & 17 APUSH Chapter 15 Ralph Waldo Emerson- Wrote the popular lecture-essay ?Self-Reliance?. Insurmountable- Too great to be overcome ?Kentucky Bluegrass?- European bluegrass that thrived on charred canefields and made ideal pastures for livestock, luring Americans into Kentucky. George Catlin- A painter and student of Native American life. Was one of the first Americans to push for the preservation of nature as a national policy. He observed Sioux Indians slaughter buffalo in 1832 in order to trade the animal?s tongues for the white man?s whiskey. He was appalled by this and proposed the creation of a national park, beginning with Yellowstone Park in 1872. ?Queen of the South?- What New Orleans was called.

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 1

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Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress Columbus Arrives at the Americas Goal was to sail to Indies and Asia Expected to find lots of Gold and Spices Believed there were fields of gold that could be found there Financed by Spain Arawak people of the Bahama Islands greeted Columbus with food and gifts ?willingly traded everything they owned? Columbus oppresses the Native Americans Columbus writes, ?With fifty men we could subjugate them al ad make them do whatever we want Forced the Arawaks into giving him gold Also took five hundred Arawaks to be slaves in Spain Two hundred of them died in transit to Spain Columbus then moves to Haiti and starts looking for gold Indians were forced to find gold Indians that didn?t find any were killed

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 4

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Tindall Ch 4 outline The Imperial Perspective English Administration of the colonies English colonies had some degree of self-governance, so they had a sense of more rights. English civil war from 1642-1646 also gave the colonies a break from royal control. In 1651-1663, three Navigation Acts were passed, restricting the colonies? trade to just England. The Lords of Trade was established in 1675 to enforce the Navigation Act. Edward Randolph tried to enforce the Navigation Act in Massachusetts. Massachusetts declared the Navigation Act invalid in 1678 and therefore the charter of Massachusetts was canceled by the Lords of Trade in 1684 and became a royal colony. Charles II dies in 1685. His brother James II takes over as the first Catholic ruler since 1558.

Chapter 20 Voc.

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Chapter 20 Africa and the Africans in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade I. Introduction A. Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua ? symbol of slavery 1. Muslim trader > African slavery > African slave trade > Missionary B. Impact of outsiders on Africa 1. Islam first, then African developed at own pace, West had big impact C. Influence of Europe 1. Path of Africa becomes linked to European world economy 2. Diaspora ? mass exodus of people leaving homeland 3. Slave trade dominated interactions 4. Not all of Africa affected to the same degree D. Effects of global interactions 1. Forced movement of Africans improved Western economies 2. Transfer of African culture > adapted to create new culture 3. Most of African still remained politically independent

Chapter 19 Voc.

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Chapter 19 Early Latin America I. Introduction A. Cortes conquers Aztecs 1. Amazed at beauty of Tenochtitlan - uncomparable B. Pattern of conquest, continuity and rebuilding 1. Spanish tried to utilized Native resources similarly a. Used materials from ruins to build own houses b. Used similar forced labor system c. Allowed to follow ancient customs C. Impact of invasions 1. Huge Spanish/Portuguese empires 2. Latin America pulled into new world economy 3. Hierarchy of world economic relationships ? Europe on top 4. New societies created ? some incorporated, some destroyed a. Distinct civilization combining Iberian Peninsula w/ Native 5. Created large landed estates 6. Europeans came to Americas for economic gain and social mobility


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