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A.P. Biology 7th Edition Chp. 10 Photosynthesis Notes

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The Process That Feeds the Biosphere Photosynthesis: the conversion of light energy to chemical energy that is stored in glucose or other organic compounds (plants, algae, certain prokaryotes) Photosynthesis nourishes almost the entire living world directly & indirectly An organism acquires organic compounds it uses for energy & carbon skeletons by autotrophic or heterotrophic nutrition Autotroph: PRODUCER an organism that obtains organic food molecules w.o. eating other organisms or substances derived from other organisms (use energy from sun or oxidation of inorganic substances to make organic molecules from inorganic ones) Produce their organic molecules from CO2 & other inorganic raw materials obtained from environment ULTIMATE SOURCE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS

Raven Biology Vocabulary Chapter 8

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Name____________________________ Biology Vocabulary Definitions Block______ Vocabulary For Unit ________________________________ Word Textbook Definition Your Definition Visual Image Photoelectric Effect The emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on the metal. Electrons are emitted from a metal when photons are shot at the metal. Absorption Spectrum A graph plotting a pigment light absorption. A paper showing color levels of different absorption colors. Chlorophyll A Only pigment that can participate directly in the light reactions. Pigment that participates in light reactions. Chlorophyll B A type of yellow-green accessory photosynthetic pigment that transfers energy to chlorophyll a. Transfers energy to chlorophyll a.

Raven Biology Chapter 8 Notes

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Gavin Morgan 11/9/2015 Chapter 8 2-Point Notes Photosynthesis combines CO2 and H2O, producing glucose and O2: 1. Photosynthesis takes place in three stages: capturing energy from sunlight; using the energy to make ATP and to reduce the compound NADP+, an electron carrier, to NADPH; and using the ATP and NADPH to power the synthesis of organic molecules from CO2 in the air. 2. In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts: 1. The internal membrane of chloroplasts, called the thylakoid membrane, is a continuous phospholipid bilayer organized into flattened sacs that are found stacked on one another in columns called grana.

Campbell AP Biology Chapter 10 Photosynthesis Presentatioin

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Chapter 10 Photosynthesis Overview: The Process That Feeds the Biosphere Photosynthesis is the process that converts solar energy into chemical energy Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis nourishes almost the entire living world Copyright ? 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings Autotrophs sustain themselves without eating anything derived from other organisms Autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere, producing organic molecules from CO2 and other inorganic molecules Almost all plants are photoautotrophs, using the energy of sunlight to make organic molecules from H2O and CO2 Copyright ? 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings Fig. 10-1

Algae Lab report

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Algae Photosynthesis Lab Report Research Question: How would light intensity affect photosynthesis on marine algae N. Oculata? Null Hypothesis: Light intensity will not affect the rate of photosynthesis in marine algae N. Oculata. #1 Alternative Hypothesis: If light intensity increases then the rate of photosynthesis will increase in marine algae N. Oculata. #2 Alternative Hypothesis: If light intensity increases then the rate of photosynthesis will decrease in marine algae N. Oculata. Independent Variable: Light Intensity Experimental Group: (100 watt bulb) (20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm) Control Group: There is not control group, because there isn?t a part being tested with no light intensity Dependent Variable: The amount of dissolved oxygen Constants:

Cell bio chapter 10

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Photosynthesis Converts solar energy into chemical energy Utilizes that to make ATP Generates O2 and organic molecules which are used in cellular respiration Energy Flow and chemical recycling in ecosystems Plant cell Have mitochondria Undergo cellular respiration Concept 10.1 Chloroplasts Site of photosynthesis Chlorophyll- pigment that absorbs light energy Thylakoids- contain chlorophyll Stomata Pores- can open and close By closing pores water won?t evaporate as quickly and CO2 can?t enter so sugars are made so won? Permits gas exchange CO2 enters O2 exits Found on underside of leaf Lights reactions Allow cell to make ATP Occur in thylakoids Split H2O Release O2 Produce ATP and NADPH+H+ ATP utilized to make sugars Calvin Cycle Energy requiring process

Chp 25 Bio

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Chapter 25: The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes Overview: Shape Changers Because eukaryotes have internal membranes, they can perform a wide variety of tasks that prokaryotes are unable to perform. An example is a Didinium eating a larger Paramecium The cytoskeleton allows the Didinium to change its shape enough to engulf the Paramecium Concept 25.1 Eukaryotes arose by endosymbiosis more than 1.8 billion years ago Endosymbiosis in Eukaryotic Evolution There is now considerable evidence that much protist diversity has its origins in endosymbiosis Endosymbiosis is the process in which a unicellular organism engulfs another cell, which becomes an endosymbiont and then organelle in the host cell Mitochondria evolved by endosymbiosis of an aerobic prokaryote

Chapter 8 Bio

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Overview: The Process That Feeds the Biosphere ? Photosynthesis is the process that converts solar energy into chemical energy. ? Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis nourishes almost the entire living world. ? Autotrophs sustain themselves without eating anything derived from other organisms. ? Autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere, producing organic molecules from CO2 and other inorganic molecules. ? Almost all plants are photoautotrophs, using the energy of sunlight to make organic molecules from water and carbon dioxide. ? Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, certain other protists, and some prokaryotes. ? These organisms feed not only themselves but also the entire living world. ? Heterotrophs obtain their organic material from other organisms.

Free response question index Bio

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AP Biology Free Response Questions Index See the complete questions and scoring rubrics here: ? http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/biology/samp.html 2010 Form A: 1. ?Homeostasis of blood glucose levels 2. ?Enzymatic reaction 3. ?Genetic cross and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 4. ?Ecological succession 2010 Form B: 1. ?Chromatography and Photosynthesis 2. ?Point mutation and allele frequency 3. ?Ecological role of bacteria and GMO bacteria 4. ?Biotic and abiotic variables, designing a controlled experiment 2009 Form A: 1. ?Behavioral response and physiological effect in fish to temperature 2. ?ATP, GTP, chemiosmosis to produce ATP, energy pyramid 3. ?Phylogeny, genetic variations in cytochrome c


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