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Great Depression

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Great Depression In Class Notes Causes of the Great Depression Stock market crash Overproduction Industry Agriculture Industries produced more goods because of good economy in the 1920s Did not raise wages to keep up Results in under consumption Wages stayed stagnant ? market flooded with goods that cannot be purchased Unequal distribution of wealth No middle class Top 1% of Americans had more wealth than the bottom 42% of Americans Monetary policy Federal government raised interest rates in the 1920s People pulled money from banks to invest with stocks Government didn?t help the bank High tariffs and war debts Increase tariffs Election of 1932 Republican: Hoover (incumbent) Sent out the ?bonus army? on the veterans who marched on the mall

Fear of Communist Influence

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Fear of Communist Influence Many Americans feel threatened by the rise of Communist governments in Europe and Asia These fears increase when its discovered that people are selling US government secrets to the Soviets Truman is accused of being ?soft? on communism Sets up a Loyalty Review Board Board investigates over 3 million people 1947 ? Congress creates House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) Primarily focused on Hollywood Hollywood Ten ? refused to testify and were sent to prison for not cooperating Rosenberg Case Stuns the Nation Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Two Americans who were members of the communist party Convicted of giving atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets 1949 ? Soviets successfully test an atomic bomb

A People and A Nation Essay Topics Chapter 17

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Essay Topics ? Chapter 17 & 18 Test Education Reform During Progressivism As late as 1870, Americans attended school only a few months a year for four years Families needed children to do farm-work By 1900, the urban-industrial economy and its expanding middle class advanced childhood as a special life stage Sheltered youngsters from society?s dangers Promoting their physical and emotional growth ? mad sure that they were exposed to age-appropriate educational materials Educators ? expanded schooling produced better citizens and workers In the 1870s and 1880s, state laws required children to attend school until age 14 Number of public high schools increased dramatically

Civil Rights Timeline

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Chapter 24 and 25 Test Essay Topics ? McCarthyism The economy after WWII China Containment Civil Rights Timeline July 26, 1948 ? President Truman issued Executive Order 9981 to desegregate the military (Fair Deal). May 17, 1954 ? Board vs. Board of Education ruled that segregation of schools was unconstitutional (overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson) August 1955 - Emett Till was kidnapped, mutilated, and murdered after going to visit his parents. His mother displayed his body in order to gain awareness for the terrible events that were occurring. Two years later, the F.B.I. tried to reinvestigate but could not find enough evidence December 1, 1955 ? Rosa Parks was arrested for Civil Disobedience for

China and Korea

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China Becomes Communist For two decades, the Chinese Communist party struggled against the nationalist government led by Chiang Kai-Shek (Madam Chiang Kai-Shek attended Lauralton for a short time) Communists led by Mao Zedong Prior to 1931, Nationalists had almost defeated the Communists in China The Long March 5, 2015 After 1945, Communist party makes a comeback after helping to defeat Japan October 1, 1949 ? Communists take control of China Chiang Kai-Shek and the Nationalists flee to Taiwan The US recognizes Taiwan as China in international affairs after the Communists take over (US, GB, France, Soviet Union, and Taiwan are the UN leaders) Korea ? The Cold War Beyond Europe Timeline: 1945 ? Korea is controlled by Japan Soviets occupied the North, America the South

A People and A Nation Chapters 24 and 25 Study Guide

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Chapters 24 and 25 ? Test Study Guide Chapter 24 ? The Cold War and American Globalism (1945-1961) From Allies to Adversaries Decolonization Imperial states set their colonies free 1943 ? Lebanon gained independence 1946 ? Syria gained independence 1946 ? Jordan gained independence 1946 ? Philippines gained independence from the US 1947 ? Britain relinquished India and Pakistan 1948 ? Britain relinquished Burma and Sri Lanka 1949 ? Dutch left Indonesia British officials in Palestine and Iraq faced tension and pressure Palestine ? Zionists (people who wish for he return of the Jewish homeland) wanted a Jewish homeland and Arab leaders were opposed to this Iraq ? National agitation towards British rule

Fear Of Communist Influence

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Fear of Communist Influence Many Americans feel threatened by the rise of Communist governments in Europe and Asia These fears increase when its discovered that people are selling US government secrets to the Soviets Truman is accused of being ?soft? on communism Sets up a Loyalty Review Board Board investigates over 3 million people 1947 ? Congress creates House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) Primarily focused on Hollywood Hollywood Ten ? refused to testify and were sent to prison for not cooperating Rosenberg Case Stuns the Nation Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Two Americans who were members of the communist party Convicted of giving atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets 1949 ? Soviets successfully test an atomic bomb

Causes of the Civil War Notes

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After the war 1/27/15 12:56 PM Constitutional discord Slavery Territory/ expansion State?s rights North vs south culture Slavery vs abolitionism power population industry in the north out performs the south the south thought that they were more needed than they were the British had been stockpiling cotton for years so that if war broke out they would not have to get involved causes of the civil war 1/27/15 12:56 PM the souths biggest fear of a republican nominated government actually happened, so the north was in control the democratic party was completely wiped out the copperheads are calling for an end to the war the turning point was the combination of Gettysburg and Vicksburg Lincoln didn?t free all the slaves, he just freed those held in confederate territory

New South Notes

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2/10/15 12:05 PM Economic Diversification Cotton was the ruler of the South before the Civil war After the civil war many leaders in the South believed that the reliance on one crop made them weak. Henry W. Grady He was the editor of the Atlanta Constitution He had an optimistic view of the New South?s potential Saw an agricultural society based around the growth of many crops People turned to tobacco. A new ay of curing tobacco was discovered Rice and can sugar were grown in Louisiana Seaman A. Knapp showed farmers what to grow Cotton was still a major crop, and even more of it was produced after the Civil War Saw the importance of moving toward industrialization Railroads were being built all over the country, this helped the agriculture industry

Early National Notes

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Early National through The War of 1812 I. Constitutions determine the structure of government - experience and practice determine the character of government- Gouverneur Morris - ?No constitution is the same on paper as in life.? A. disagreement on the relative importance of the time period 1. Blum - 23, Garraty - 9, Link - 11, Current - 17, Bailey - 35, Morison - 48 . 2. personal view has changed from insignificant to one of great importance - particularly concerning the character of government B. dominant theme of the time - strength of the national government v strength of the states - the character of federalism must be defined 1. the leading players in this struggle will be Hamilton and Jefferson


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