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Traditions and Encounters Chapter 36 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 36 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. In the decades following World War I, nationalism was most powerful in Asia in the regions of a. Korea. b. China c. India d. Japan e. both b. and c. * (p. 1006) 2. The most influential organization dedicated to the end of British rule in India was a. the Muslim League. b. the Pan-Indian Association. c. the Indian National Congress. * d. League of the Fourteen Points. e. Indian Communist Party. (p. 1007) 3. Satyagraha was a. Gandhi?s philosophy of passive resistance. * b. the Islamic leader who called for the creation of Pakistan for India?s Muslims. c. the Nazi attack on Jewish shops known as the ?night of broken glass.?

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 35 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 35 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The term lost generation was coined by a. Erich Maria Remarque. b. John Steinbeck. c. Karl Barth. d. Sun Yat-sen. e. Gertrude Stein. * (p. 979) 2. The writer whose Decline of the West proposed that European society had entered the final stage of its existence was a. Karl Marx. b. Erich Maria Remarque. c. Oswald Spengler. * d. Werner Heisenberg. e. Karl Barth. (p. 979) 3. In Karl Barth?s Epistle to the Romans, he a. laid the groundwork for the rise of fascism in Italy. b. shocked the Christian world by stressing the importance of material progress above everything else. c. suggested that Jesus? ideas were a precursor to communism.

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 34 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 34 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The spark for World War I was provided when Gavrilo Princip assassinated a. Francis Joseph. b. Nicholas II. c. Alexander Kerensky. d. Francis Ferdinand. * e. Otto von Bismarck. (p. 946) 2. The first total war in world history was a. the Crimean War. b. the American Civil War. c. World War II. d. the Franco-Prussian War. e. World War I. * (p. 946) 3. Approximately how many combatants died in World War I? a. one million b. three million c. four million d. nine million e. fifteen million * (p. 946) 4. The term for the idea that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states was a. Utopian socialism. b. positive nationalism.

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 33 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 33 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Cecil Rhodes was a. the British military leader who was responsible for a boom in naval expansion. b. the American politician who articulated the belief in manifest destiny. c. responsible for the philosophy that we know as social Darwinism. d. the first leader of an independent Canada. e. a leading British imperialist who founded a colony in Africa. * (p. 909) 2. Who said, ?We are the finest race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race?? a. Sim?n Bol?var b. Theodore Roosevelt c. Ito Hirobumi d. Cecil Rhodes * e. Otto von Bismarck (p. 909) 3. The author of The White Man?s Burden was a. Cecil Rhodes. b. Otto von Bismarck. c. Arthur de Gobineau.

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 40 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 40 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) started with 23 noncommunist nations in 1947, and by 1994 was up to how many nations? a. 30 b. 42 c. 55 d. 71 e. 123 * (p. 1133) 2. Which of these organizations has developed into a forum for settling international trade disputes? a. North American Treaty Organization b. Warsaw Pact c. United Nations d. World Trade Organization * e. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (p. 1133) 3. Which of the following was not one of the ?little tigers?? a. Thailand * b. Hong Kong c. Singapore d. South Korea e. Taiwan (p. 1135) 4. The Asian economic crisis began in 1997 in what country? a. China b. Thailand * c. Hong Kong d. Japan

The Earth and its Peoples Ch 29 Study Questions

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Name______________________________________ Per____ Date___________________________ Chapter 29- The Collapse of the Old Order 1929-1949 Directions: Using complete sentences, answer the following questions. Why was Stalin?s first Five Year Plan implemented? Who was trained to work in the new factories and mines as part of Stalin?s Five Year Plans? What is collectivization? How did the kulaks react to collectivization? How many kulaks were arrested and what happened to them? How did the Nazi takeover of Germany affect Stalin?s Second Five Year Plan? Why did Stalin use methods of terror against his own people? What types of jobs were opened to women in Stalinist Russia? What was the Smoot-Hawley tariff and what was its result?

John Locke Enlightment

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John Locke should be one of the one?s that have the most impact on the Enlightenment because he proclaimed that men are free by nature and should not be subject to a monarchy. In Locke?s ?Two Treatises of Government,? he strongly defends that men are free and equal and that they have rights such rights like life, liberty, and property that are independent of any particular laws of the society and that no one can take these rights away from you. Locke thought that all people were reasonable and moral. He also feels that when the government violates these rights that the people have a right to legitimately rebel.

Treaty of Versailles

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Treaty of Versailles Big 4 United States ? Woodrow Wilson Great Britain ? Lloyd George France ? Clemenceau Italy ? Orlando (minor player) Wilson?s Mistakes U.S. delegation to Paris was made up of only Democrats U.S. Senate was led by Republicans Tells the Senate to ratify the treaty ?as is? Main opposition to Treaty was Senator Henry Cabot Lodge ? isolationist (wants the United States to stay away from other countries) Wilson goes on speaking tour of the United States to gain support for the treaty Suffers a massive stroke Legally, probably should have resigned Senate does not ratify the Treaty of Versailles We do NOT sign the Treaty of Versailles

Progressive Presidents

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Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt October 27, 1858 ? January 6, 1919 Republican Presidency Number: 26 Number of Terms: 2 Governor of New York (1898-1900) Interesting Facts: Youngest president His wife and mother in the same house, on February 14, 1884 There is no known record of him mentioning his wife?s name again His sister raised his daughter He was the first president to win the Nobel Peace Prize Awarded it for the Russo-Japanese treaty Given a ?teddy-bear? in 1903 Pushed for the creation of the Panama Canal Was shot in the chest en route to Milwaukee but refused to go to the hospital before his speech Spoke for an hour with the bullet in his lung, then was taken to the hospital

Midterm Guidlines

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Midterm Guidelines - APUSH Multiple Choice ? 50% 50 questions Chapters 4-18 Short Essay ? 20% Pick one of two One regular, one analyzing a picture AP format ? answer a, b, and c: First Question = first paragraph Second Question = second paragraph Third Question = third paragraph 4-5 sentences each Long Essay ? 30% Pick one: The War of 1812 Political Machines and Political Bosses (Page 481) Political machines ? organizations seeking to obtain and retain power Emerged in urban, often working-class neighborhoods Solicited votes for particular candidates and promised jobs and other services to supporters Putting their candidates in office gave them power over local government Machine politicians used fraud and bribery ? provided relief and service to their voters


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