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united states

HIstory Notes

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Chapter 25 Notes Rockefeller Grows an American Beauty Rose -Kerosene was the first major product of the oil industry. But, the invention of the light bulb rendered kerosene obsolete. - By 1900, the gasoline-burning internal combustion engine had beaten out its rivals as the primary means of automobile propulsion. The birth of the automobile gave a great lift to the oil industry. -John D. Rockefeller organized the Standard Oil Company of Ohio in 1870, attempting to eliminate the middlemen and knock out his competitors. By 1877, he controlled 95% of all the oil refineries in the nation. -Rockefeller grew to such a great power by eliminating his competitors.


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Thank you your honor. And before I give my opening statement I?d just like to thank the witnesses, my opponents, and the judge for participating in this trial. Ladies and gentlemen, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a man who not only deserves his face to be put on Mt. Rushmore among many of the nation?s other most prominent leaders, but in fact it would be downright disrespectful to award this avid public servant with anything less. Not only has this man literally given his life for the betterment of his country, but he has done so flawlessly. Over the past twenty years, this country has and continues to see prosperity as a result of the implementation of the New Deal economic policies which only president Roosevelt can account for, unlike his do-nothing predecessors.

clinton healthcare

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Article?#1 MAJOR?POINTS: ?Health?Security?Act ?The?major?legislative?initiative?of?Bill?Clinton?s?first?year?in?office?was?the?reform?of?the?US?health?care system. ?In?January?1993,?Clinton?announced?a?major?Administration?health?care?policy?that?would?be?headed?by Hillary?Clinton ?Key?principles?of?universal?coverage?and?managed?competition,?great?success?with?Democrats?in Congress?as?well?as?public?opinion ?Clinton?considered?and?rejected?a?single?payer?plan?because?it?was??too?socialized??and?decided?that?his plan?would?rely?on?private?insurance?companies?and?employer?mandates ?Argued?that?bottom?line?was?universal?coverage,?and?threatened?to?veto?any?bill?that?did?not?provide?it

Andrew CArnegie

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RECONSTRUCTION 13th Amendment ?Emacipation Proclamation forshadowed this amendment. to the Constitution prohibits slavery in the US. Lincoln, in a substantial departure from his earlier and more moderate position on slavery, urged for it during his re-election big. It passed in the Senate and the House by a wide margin, and Lincoln signed it into law on February 1, 1865.

APUSH Midterm studyguide

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? APUSH/Michelena Second Semester Midterm Review: The exam is?65 questions, covering American Imperialism to the end WWII. American Imperialism: Why did the US become an imperial nation? Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine Social Darwinism: the application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion. TR achievements Open Door Policy: statement of U.S. foreign policy toward china. Issued by U.S. secretary of state john hay (1899), the statement reaffirmed the principle that all countries should have equal access to any Chinese port open to trade.


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CHAPTER 31 American Life in the ?Roaring Twenties,? 1919-1929 IV. SINGLE-ANSWER MULTIPLE CHOICE. Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions. 1. The red scare of 1919-1920 was provoked by a. the wartime migration of rural blacks to northern cities. b. the strict enforcement of prohibition laws. c. evolutionary science?s challenge to the biblical story of the Creation. d. the public?s association of labor violence with its fear of revolution. e. the threat created by the Communist Revolution in Russia. 2. Disillusioned by war and peace, Americans in the 1920s did all of the following except a. denounce ?radical? foreign ideas. b. condemn ?un-American? life-styles. c. enter a decade of economic difficulties.

Little Rock 9


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The bleak coast of Newfoundland was the scene of the first English attempt at colonization. This effort collapsed when its promoter, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, lost his life at sea in 1583. Gilbert?s ill-starred dream inspired his half brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, to try again in warmer climes. Raleigh organized a group of settlers who landed in 1585 on North Carolina?s Roanoke Island, off the coast of Virginia (named by the ?Virgin Queen? Elizabeth in honor of herself). With Raleigh busy at home, the Roanoke colony mysteriously vanished, swallowed up by the wilderness; the lost colony.
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