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united states

APUSH chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Launching the New Ship of State (1789 CE ? 1800 CE) Tensions in America grew higher every day as political parties emerged, the French Revolution ran its course, and American-French disagreements reached an all-time high. Growing Pains America, though rapidly growing population wise, was having a hard time getting a functioning government up and running while the rest of the world was waiting to see if they could do just that. The Americans had already set up one government then replaced it with a new They were in major debt 90% of the people still lived in rural areas Washington for President George Washington won the unanimous vote of the Electoral College in 1789 and soon set up important positions in office such as the heads of state.

Shays Rebellion

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Shays Rebellion Articles of Confederation Declaration of Indpendence Madison Washington National debt Constitution
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APUSH VOCAB ch.11 American Pageant 13th edition

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APUSH STUDY GUIDE CH. 11 Terms: The election of 1800: The two Democratic-Republicans Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr defeated Federalist John Adams, but tied with each other. The final decision went the House of Representatives, where there was another tie. After a long series of ties in the House, Jefferson was finally chosen as president. Burr became vice-president. This led to the 12th Amendment, which requires the president and vice-president of the same party to run on the same ticket. Battle of Trafalgar: naval confrontation in 1805 off the southwest coast of Spain; the French and Spanish fleets were defeated by the English under Admiral Horatio Nelson (who was mortally wounded)

APUSH VOCAB ch. 9 & 10 American Pageant 13th ed.

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APUSH Study Guides Ch. 9 Terms: Civic virtue: cultivation of habits/ personal living that are claimed to be important for he success of the community Empress of China: first vessel to go directly to China and trade successfully for tea, defying the British East India Company?s trade monopoly Articles of Confederation: the nation?s first constitution, taken in by the second continental congress during the revolution; states possessed most power and congress had little control on taxes, trade or coinage Western land problem: difficulty with deciding the purpose for the land and how to split it up among the colonies; conflicting disagreements that required troops to be brought in to restore peace

Jacksonian Democracy

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Jacksonian Democracy I. Definitions A. Series of reforms ? altering federal government and bringing vote to people B. Andrew Jackson and Democratic Party running country C. Contradiction ? period of slavery and horrible treatment of Native Americans ? Jackson also develops ?monarchical? attributes D. Attractive candidate - Andrew Jackson attractive ? war hero, man?s man, self-made wealth, westerner ? ?old hickory? ?man of the people? II. Causes ? economic shift + no longer belief that aristocracy of old should rule all Causes by economic and social changes - shift in power Transportation + immigration takes power from plantation aristocracy and New England elite Cotton increase power of Southern economy Westward movement ? taking of Native American/Hispanic land

The Collapse of Consensus 1963-present OUTLINE

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The Collapse of Consensus (1963-Present) There is a consensus they developed where Americans are by in large the same. But then later on American society becomes very divided. Civil Rights Movement An American Dilemma ? Gunnar Myrdal America contrasted with dilemmas such as segregation, violence, etc. This starts to drive ideas about the civil rights movement. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Segregation within the schools. It takes about 20 years for this to officially happen. Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott In Alabama. If I don?t give the bus company my money, then they are going to lose a lot of money. So they will satisfy their needs. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Isolated incodents of civil rights movements. Not until about 1961 does major civil

The Early Republic and the Spread of Sectionalism OUTLINE

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The Early Republic and the Spread of Sectionalism (1789-1860) The Early Republic Competing Visions of America Hamilton/Jefferson Jefferson was the secretary of state. Hamilton secretary of the treasury. They both have very different thought of where America should go. Jefferson ? people need to be independent and self-sufficient. Hamilton ? not growth over space but growth in time. Supported national debt. He wanted to promote big cities and big business. They both just about hated each other. This division pretty much led to the separation of republican & democracy. The French Revolution ? reign of terror. No one supported the reign of terror, but Jefferson approved of the French Revolution. H said J wanted a reign of terror in America.

Chapter 9 Outline

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Chapter 9: Confederation and Constitution (1776-1790) Intro Revolution not about complete change, more of accelerated evolution -there still were changes in areas like social customs, political inst itutions, thoughts on society, government, and gender roles lowering in arist. = path for Patriot elites to rise up Search for Equality Talk of equality = everywhere w/ ?all men created equal? property requirements in many states were lowered ladies and women asked to be called ?mr. & mrs.? (typically for the wealthy) most scoffed at Society of Cincinatti: Continental Army?s officers part of a exclusive group (hereditary) growing trade org. (artisans/laborers) stimulated social democracy many did away with primogeniture:

the american pageant ch 5 key terms

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Chapter 5- Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution Edwards, Jonathan Benjamin Franklin Michel-Guillaume de Crevecour George Whitefield John Peter Zenger Phyllis Wheatley ?John S. Copley ??Paxton Boys ?Great Awakening. ?Catawba Nation Regulator Movement ?Old and New Lights ?Triangular trade ?Molasses Act ?Scots-Irish Melting pot Sect Agitators Stratification Mobility Elite Almshouse Gentry Tenant farmer Penal code Veto Apprentice Speculation Revival Secular ? ?PAGE ? ?PAGE ?1?
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US History: A Survey

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Hayes 6/9/13 8:01 PM PowerPoint notes: Federalists Stronger central government Complex commercial economy Maintain commercial relationship with Great Britain Not as supportive to French Revolution and Reign of Terror Emphasis on elites Loose Constructionists Loose, generous interpretation of Constitution Washington (Federalist) Foreign Relations France VS Great Britain Where should US side? Chose to remain neutral The Citizen Genet Affair Tried to get sailors to build ships for France Met with Washington, who tried to embarrass the French with this affair Republican ppl supported French over Great Britain Washington did this because he wanted to get negative feelings toward Republican Party


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