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united states

the 1920s and 1930s vocabulary

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The 1920s and 1930s 272. Nativism: severe immigration laws to discourage and discriminate against foreigners, believed to erode old-fashioned American values ? Birth of a Nation? spawned resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan?based on The Clansman Ku Klux Klan ? spread quickly; opposed everything that was not White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) (and conservative),Stephenson?s faults and jail sentence led to demise ?National Origins Act (1924) ? reduced quota, reduced numbers from eastern and southern Europe, Asians banned, Canadians and Latin Americans exempt ? Sacco & Vanzetti Trial ? prejudiced jury sentenced them to death, caused riots around the world, new trial denied

1960 vocabulary

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1960-present 372. Election of 1960: Kennedy vs. Nixon, Kennedy (due to televised charisma) won over Nixon (pale and nervous) 373. President John F. Kennedy: second youngest president, entered?presidency as tensions of the Cold War increased; unable to get major initiatives through Congress due to conservative bloc; tax cuts (economic stimulation); reluctantly gets involved in civil rights; emphasizes Space Race (man on the moon) 374. Rachel Carson, Silent Spring: effects of pesticides on the environment; changed way Americans viewed their impact on nature 375. Berlin Wall: due to threat of nuclear war, Soviets erected wall to separate East Berlin from West Berlin (end exodus of intellect to west); symbol of communist denial of freedom


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APUSH MIDTERM REVIEW: Social class system in pre-Revolutionary America: Upper class: Land gentry, nobles from England, self-made men (Hamilton and Jefferson) Merchants: wealthy merchants (Paul Revere) Middle class: tradesmen (blacksmith, farmers, etc.) Indentured Servants: (white free men, but worked on their own farms) Slaves Views of founding fathers towards political parties: Did not want it because they felt it would be dangerous to the U.S. Fear it would divide the American people between ideological lines Anti-Federalist vs. Federalist Federalist vs. Republicans Beliefs of Jefferson and Hamilton: Start of two political parties

US History Important People

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U.S. History Review: People, Ideas/Concepts, Events Name _______________________ Pd. _________ PEOPLE She went on a hunger strike to influence the passage of the 19th Amendment ____________________________ Promoted nationalism by establishing language standards for American English__________________________ She exercised civil disobedience in her support of women?s suffrage ____________________________ He was supportive of labor unions and Socialist views ____________________________ He led raid on Harpers Ferry that created fear of slave revolts ____________________________ Published the Liberator in which he condemned slavery on moral grounds ____________________________

Chapter 21 outline out of many

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Chapter 21: Urban America and the Progressive Era (1900-1917) American Communities Lillian Wald was a girl with a good upbringing who moved to NY to become a nurse Wald and Mary Brewster worked as visiting nurses Professional care at home for 10 to 25 cents, info on health care, sanitation, and disease prevention 1895 ? philanthropist Jacob Smith donated house on Henry Street Settlement @ Lower East Side Henry Street Settlement became example for new kind of reform community based on college level women Unlike other moral reformers, they lived alongside the poor and worked from the inside Jane Addams, Lillian Wald, Florence Kelly Henry Street Settlement survived by donations from wealthy NYers

Chapter 20 outline out of many

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Nancy Brancati October 3, 2012 Chapter 20: Commonwealth and Empire American Communities Edward Bellamy?s Looking Backward (1888) tells the story of a perfect world in the year 2000 Community and cooperation, everyone shared the wealth and resources Bellamy?s fans formed the Nationalist movement Point Loma, California, 1897, was one of most successful societies created like in the novel Populism was created through the renewal of old values of community through farm and labor orgs Social Gospel ? middle class people sponsored and donated money to charities People that opposed Bellamy wanted a more expansive America with more room for profit

Gay Marraige

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SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? Gay couples in Utah were thrown into legal limbo Monday as the U.S. Supreme Court put a halt to same-sex marriages in the state, turning jubilation to doubt just weeks after a judge's ruling sent more than a thousand couples rushing to get married. The justices did not rule on the merits of the case or on same-sex marriage bans in general, leaving both sides confident they'll ultimately win. The decision stays in effect while the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals considers the long-term question of whether gay couples have a right to wed in Utah. For those couples who just got married ? or were planning their nuptials ? the latest twist in the legal battle clouds what was seen as a cause for celebration.

APUSH Midterm Review 2014

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APUSH Midterm Review Notes 2014 3/5 Compromise: the compromise that stated that a slave could count at 3/5 of a person in a population count that determined a state?s representation in the House of Representatives Anne Hutchinson & Antinomianism: Anne Hutchinson was a woman in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that had a strong belief that disagreed with the Puritan idea of predestination. Hutchinson held weekly discussions in her house after Church, where Church members could discuss the sermon. Her extreme beliefs caused it to become evident that she believed in Antinomianism, a view that the Puritans held as dangerous, and believed that God could intervene at anytime to save a person, thereby disagreeing with predestination. Economic Philosophies in the 19th Century:

US Constitution and Its Articles

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The Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution are two very different documents set out to achieve a somewhat similar goal. The goal of the Article of Confederation is to create a loose union. It ended up that the state held most of the power. The U.S. Constitution was designed in an effort to repair the problems caused by the Articles of Confederation and the problems that still remain unaddressed.

The Legacy of John McCain

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John McCain is one of the most admired leaders and lifetime politicians in our nation?s history. His story is admired and has been critical in the making him one of the most influential senators in recent times. His story of heroism and acts of valor as a prisoner of war are unmatchable. It was in the Vietnam War that John McCain faced the challenge of his life that would shape him as a leader and a family man for a career in politics.
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